I had always considered men kissing to be the ultimate sign of gayness, even more than anal or oral sex, and thought is was disgusting. Even after I started sucking dick I refused to kiss any guy who asked me to do it. Yesterday, all that changed. A guy I met through a CL ad I posted asked if I was interested in kissing and I said maybe. When he came to my place I saw that he had a tidy close-cropped beard and I had second thoughts but desided to go through with it anyway. Boy, was I surprised. He was a great kisser and I really got into it. Kissing him got me TOTALLY hot and made blowing him much hotter than sucking a cock usually is for me. I can't wait to kiss a dude again.
So, do you kiss guys?
Of course!!!! One of our favourite things!!! :biggrin:
Yes, of course. Our relationship is like anyone else's with maybe a little less chance that either of us will fall pregnant.
Kissing doesn't make anyone pregnant , honey... Unless it's with expectation that the next kiss will be as delighful and fabulous... :biggrin:
Yeah kiss guys all the time it's generally a good indicator of how good they're gonna be in bed.
52 and just now kissing?! Better get to work! You got a lot of kissing to do to make up for all that lost time! LOL!!
:eek: I have enough saliva .. no need to exchange or get more...
and a french kiss :eek::eek::eek: never from a carnivore... thats so disgusting if I know that he eats animals
hmmmmmm kissing and cuddling is better than sex xx
Kissing is uncharted territory for me. The thought of some one in my personal space like that makes me anxious. Maybe someday though...........:redface: