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Gay men suck
So I'm a bit overweight as a gay guy THIS SUCKS! i mean im skinny-er then I used to be but ever since high school I was always the "fat" gay kid... lol

Now what? I'm 21 I am not very good at dating or lets say im not good at meeting anyone interested in dating me?

I always go straight to blaming the weight for my unsuccessful attempts at love but am I wrong? Or should I keep pounding the lemon and cyan food replacements?

I told my friend that I dont date because all the gay guys are only interested in other skinny bitches and he said that its not true at all.. *but he lives in New York now* and I still disagree

I am not looking for someone who is really fit or anything. as long as they look like they take general care of themselves haha im not very picky wtf

Anyways maybe I'm just smoking to much weed but I swear you gay men just suck! lol

Oh well. Onwards with the search.


I thought this was going to be about sucking in the good way. Anyways if it makes you feel any better I weigh 253 lbs am 24 and am still a gay virgin (not a straight virgin). Many people don't want to date overweight people, but there are enough that don't care that you should be able to find someone. I used to weigh 360 lbs and let me tell you for all my obviousness I was invisible, no one would look at me. Now that I weigh 250 I get a lot more attention and don't think my weight is whats keeping me from dating right now. If your unhappy with your weight I suggest you try and lose it, and while weed is great it is definitely one of the more fatguy/fatgirl drugs and you might want to hold off on it for a few months to help lose weight. Anyways your not alone and if you wanna talk about weight loss or how it sucks to be fat you can private message me or just respond here.

Totally agree with hellanicus... there are those who dont care about ur weight...
and ur weight is not the reason u cant date... dont blame ur weight... i think it all revolves around
ur self confidence...

i totally understand what u r going through... i was 270lbs and now im 185lbs... and i lost weight in
just 3 months... so if u r really unhappy with ur weight its not that hard to lose it... u just need to
say "im gonna do it"... i starved myself bcoz i needed to lose wieght really fast (u definitely
dont need to do that Big Grin just take ur time if u ever decided to lose weight)... i had no self esteem
back then.... and knowing that i could do whatever i wanna do has changed my personality completely

always remember that u r not alone... and if u ever needed to talk just let me know Wink

thats not true for me i actually have dated a fat person before
maybe its the people where you live but if you need anyone to talk to were always here to help.

We all have our insecurities, myself definitely included. I'm not overweight, about average at 5.11 and 165 pounds. But almost none of it is muscle. I don't want to look like an artificially steroid pumped guy on magazine covers, but it would be nice if I could look a bit better than I do. But it takes hard work and dedication to change things like that about ourselves. Personally I don't like skinny bitches. I've dated people that are slightly overweight and slightly underweight and I really find no tangible difference.

I'm sure you're a great guy. If you want to change yourself, do it, but make sure that you are doing it for yourself and not to get a date. It's like a song I love says "I can't be right for somebody else if I'm not right for me". And as for the materialistic snobs who prefer the model guys: they're superficial anyways and you'd be wasting your time with an empty person. Wink

Try being disabled mate lol!!

You just have to think you havent found the right guy yet, it takes time bebes xx

Im not exactly tinker bell myself. Im 6' 3" and 250 pounds. I used to be 180 pounds but I quit smoking a few years back and I gained 60 pounds as a result. I really dislike being this heavy but I don't let it bother me to much. I know Ill lose the weight again eventually. If any thing we should try to lose weight to stay healthy and not because some skinny bitches wont date somebody who has a few extra pounds on them. Everybody has different taste and there is plenty of people more than happy to date fluffy people. I wouldn't give up on dating just because you have a few extra pounds on.

I'm 6'2 and 235lbs and I could stand to lose 30 lbs myself, so I understand where you guys are coming from. People are attracted to others in all different shapes and sizes, so just remember that.

Watch your negative expectations. They could make it less likely that things will flow with someone new. You will get a higher "rejection" rate, but don't increase it with self-fulfilling theories about gay gays!

Its better to approach intimacy from an emotional anglel rather than a purely physical one anyway.

I find confidence (although not over-confidence) more attractive than having to deal with someone else's insecurities. I have enough insecurities of my own and it takes a conscious effort to try not to burden others with them. Personality is likely to lead to a longer and more satisfying relationship than outward appearance.

Try and get to like yourself and the rest could well follow. I suspect that, while smoking weed may well make you feel more mellow in the immediate, it may do little to reduce the worries you carry around in the longer term and may even exacerbate them.

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