Thanks, Jake, for complementing my suggestions with the useful ones you made....
Note to Joseph, (and anyone for whom dating is a new experience):
Taking things slowly is something you can also do with a friend, a simple friend: buy him a gift, get an ice cream together, share a film at the cinema or a simple walk in the park, write him a special card (it's not very different of what you have done for Marshlander and me or for Frank)...
All those are good suggestions. When the time is right, you will find you can hold his hand, you can do this privately first, or if you are both happy with it, in public.
Remember that in public, you may get some strange looks or some nasty comments, so privately is probably better for holding hands and kissing. I think hugging, for not too long, is acceptable in public, and hugging for long times is great in private.

Oh, I hope this works out for you, Joseph. Let us know if you found these suggestions useful.