Shadow Wrote:As the boys will, I trust, back me up on, the male orgasm is like a surge that comes on over just a few seconds when you know you're about to hit your orgasm, and then wave after wave of pleasure flows over you for anything from 5-20 seconds, after which time you are (generally) thoroughly spent, and more often than not feel like a kip ...
Am I missing something wave after wave 20 seconds!!
What the hell I'm dissapointed in myself now  , mines more like wave then ...
boy_toy_08 Wrote:Soooooo not fair! When I am orgasming I have to stop pleasuring because it's too sensitive it actually hurts....but I want to be able to shoot for ages..any tips? Well you only have so much cum to shoot.
Do girls ever fake orgasms with each other? Or is that just used on the hetrosexual male? Do lesbians always get the job done?
I've been patiently waiting for a lady to come along and answer that - THANKS :biggrin: xx
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!
Shadow ur like a child in a sweet shop with this comment lmao..
Well women are alot different from men in manyn respectives.. I have also had this conversation with a female friend (not my sister as shes eight years younger than meeh and definately not my other sister as shes 21 years younger than me and wouldnt know what one is at age of 2 lol) But anyhoo she was telling me women can sort of do a re load and keep going as long as they maintain a momentum.. As for me after a quick shake with the unemployed i jus go a lil sensitive and giggle if stroked as me whole body becomes ticklish which i hate and hated when i was single as it doesnt look the bees knees when ur ramping rabbits with some guy and hey ho u start giggling afterwards  ad: prolly why i never got any numbers
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Australia Wrote:Do girls ever fake orgasms with each other? Or is that just used on the hetrosexual male? Do lesbians always get the job done?
I am still waiting for an answer to Australia's excellent question.
Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.
fredv3b Wrote:I am still waiting for an answer to Australia's excellent question.
You can add me to the list.
Dear all concerned,
In order to put your minds at rest:
It has been known for women to fake orgasm with other women. As I am sure is the case with men, women do not always know how to please another woman just because they are similarly equipped. In fact many a woman has been known to go about another womans genitals like they are using an eraser to rub out a really bad mistake. Not in any way pleasurable. Orgasms are usually faked to 'get things over with' when the experience is simply no longer at all pleasurable or has lasted so long you are beginning to sober up and realise just what a minger you are with!! (This applying much more strongly with one night stands, relationship sex which dictates faking needs sorting ASAP IMO!!)
I hope this leaves you all happy for the end of 2008
With love
Shadow Wrote:... the way my sister was describing it, the female orgasm involves the woman actually reaching what she described as a plateau of sensation, which can last minutes, during which time any contact or stimulation results in what I took to be ANOTHER orgasm ... so she made it sound like women can have multiple orgasms EVERY TIME they orgasm ... which I just cannot accept on the basis that I would feel MASSIVELY shortchanged if that were the case . Your sister is right, at least according to my own experience. Many women do tend to reach this plateau of sensation (usually about 1-2 minutes for me) and during that time the continual stimulation will lead to more and more orgasms. I tend to have about 3-4 each time. And it's just as rare for me to have more as it is to have less than that, so that is a pretty good average.
Anyway, once the 1-2 minutes are over though, you do reach this other level where you feel your clitoris is overstimulated and becomes extremely sensitive to the point where it *hurts* (and I mean HURTS) to continue applying stimulation. When this happens to me, I feel sharp pains shooting through my body and I'll even shake if I the stimulation doesn't stop, so that's not a good experience. lol
But anyway, I hate only having one orgasm. I tend to feel cheated. lol So with women you can definitely bring them to multiple orgasms easily. It's interesting that men only have one orgasm. I've wondered about that myself, so, good to know!
You gave very good information. this will really help me and also others.i am also searching for this. thanks for sharing this information.
Kinda repeating info here, but yeah, there's the build up, then you hit what I guess could be called a plateau. I just call it going over the edge. And then the orgasm itself can last anywhere from a half a minute (that's insanely short, but I've heard of it) to sometimes 3 minutes or more, and they vary in intensity, but are usually pretty intense in general. And yeah, girls can have multiple orgasms, either back to back, or just continuing the fun til you come again. Then there's like a "cool down" phase of sorts. You're mind's all happy from the endoriphins and your body's returning to it's normal state after all that's just happened. lol, and like guys, sometimes you get really sleepy afterwards.
I know for me, 95% of the time my orgasms are pretty intense, like my legs will shake or something of the like. lol, you'll hear people joke about making your toes curl, well it's not too far from the truth for me. And I'm not sure every girl does, but me and most others I've been with or talked to, your body just kinda tenses up and moves almost involuntarily as you ride out the orgasm. I have had multiple orgasms before, but I don't always. I've had times where my mind literally goes blank and it's like I'm seeing stars or something.
And yes, lol, girls do fake it with girls. I'll admit when I first got with my Ex, I faked it a few times. It was mostly cause we'd been going at it for a while and I knew I just wasn't gonna get there. Which sucks by the way. I know guys get Blue balls, well girls can get that way too. Super close, but just can't seem to get off. I almost wonder if it's cause we get over stimulated or something. The brain just can't process all the good feelings lol. Maybe I'll look into it...
Ok, I know this is a very old post, but I felt the urge to replay anyway. I wasn't up to reading most of the replays, so I don't know if what I've written has already been written.
Anyway, when women orgasm, it varies by women, the emotional condition of the woman, the place in the menstrual cycle, and many more things. I for one am extremely sensitive. It's stopped now, but a few years ago I sometimes got a mild orgasm when I took a leak. Some women envied me for that, but it can get very old. Now I have so massive and powerful orgasms that I sometimes have to stop before they reach their peak because my body and mind just can't handle it. I'm also mostly a giver in bed because I get orgasms very easily, and usually many of them every time. Because of that I get extremely exhausted very quickly.
I once timed my orgasms, just as a curiousity. I got the first one a minute after I started, the next one about two minutes after the first one, and the third about 30 seconds after the second one. That was it for me, and I practically passed out from exhaustion after these 3 and a half minutes. Some women envy me for that too, but I for one would love to be able to last a LOT longer.
One time I was having sex with an ex "playmate" of mine, and she decided to count my orgasms, but she lost count after 9. That was the longest session I've ever been able to handle, we were at it for three hours.