11-04-2007, 08:23 PM
I was having a very frank and open discussion with my sister about this a while ago, and we were comparing and contrasting the differences between male and female orgasms.
As the boys will, I trust, back me up on, the male orgasm is like a surge that comes on over just a few seconds when you know you're about to hit your orgasm, and then wave after wave of pleasure flows over you for anything from 5-20 seconds, after which time you are (generally) thoroughly spent, and more often than not feel like a kip ...
... however, she was saying that the female orgasm is not like this, so I just thought I'd ask the ladies out there if they wouldn't mind shedding some light on the subject for me ...
... the way my sister was describing it, the female orgasm involves the woman actually reaching what she described as a plateau of sensation, which can last minutes, during which time any contact or stimulation results in what I took to be ANOTHER orgasm ... so she made it sound like women can have multiple orgasms EVERY TIME they orgasm ... which I just cannot accept on the basis that I would feel MASSIVELY shortchanged if that were the case
... any thoughts or comments ladies ??
Cheers xx
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!
As the boys will, I trust, back me up on, the male orgasm is like a surge that comes on over just a few seconds when you know you're about to hit your orgasm, and then wave after wave of pleasure flows over you for anything from 5-20 seconds, after which time you are (generally) thoroughly spent, and more often than not feel like a kip ...
... however, she was saying that the female orgasm is not like this, so I just thought I'd ask the ladies out there if they wouldn't mind shedding some light on the subject for me ...
... the way my sister was describing it, the female orgasm involves the woman actually reaching what she described as a plateau of sensation, which can last minutes, during which time any contact or stimulation results in what I took to be ANOTHER orgasm ... so she made it sound like women can have multiple orgasms EVERY TIME they orgasm ... which I just cannot accept on the basis that I would feel MASSIVELY shortchanged if that were the case

... any thoughts or comments ladies ??
Cheers xx
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!