But the frenum being stimulated feels so great! Being cut, it's the only real sensation I get, I'd really miss it.
i think PA's can be a tad..... Not my touch of taste so to speak...... I am more of a natural person than a metal warrior lol
Snow with your 'web piercing......
love this piercing............but one question does it effect your speech because i have a few friends with there tongue pierced and a few of them seemed to have developed a slur/lisp??
anyways ive got two piercings (bottom lip & left ear)
Got 5 tatts:
Heart in barbed wire on left lower arm
Old school Mic On Lower Right arm
Grim Reaper on upper right arm (gonna get angel on upper left arm)
sshhh on my finger
& big old school piece on chest
i haven't any peircing or tattoos. I'm thinking of getting a tatto in August though [been thinking about the exact same design for years now].
I'd get a rose on my right hip. Its a pretty simple geometric rose, but its based on my family's cote. I figure I've like it for so long I might as well get it, I doubt I'd get bored of it since I've like it for the better part of a quarter of my life!!!
As for peircings, my first consideration would probably be an eyebrow peircing!
I have 6 piercings.
A tragus, 1 cartilage, 2 lobes, 1 nose, and one right hand side hafada (google at your peril)
I also have one Pagan tattoo, a pentagram on my forearm.
I do plan for more, with the tragus being the most recent (a couple of weeks ago). Not sure what else I want at the moment though.
I have the letters AH tattooed on my penis. Got it done on holiday in wales. If I like you a lot it reads Aberystwyth.