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Doomed to never have a guy
Hi, I am an 18 year old guy, you know just a little gay dude here, First off you must be thinking oh great another "Why don't I have a boyfriend" crap.., well to be honest yes its one of those, So help me out here...

I don't believe I can get a boyfriend because when it comes to health im pretty much F#$%d up, I have an freaking lazy eye that just distorts my face so badly, which honestly doesn't give me much confidence to even look at people.... and the second part is that I was born with Imperforate anus, which is essentially I wasn't born with a Freaking anus..., Now Its all good, BUT.. I am doomed to wear a diaper...

Yeap, you read that correctly a Diaper, Apparently I cant control my digestive system, but then again I haven't tried, and there are so many other things F$&&d up with me, but those bother me the most, im an atheist, but from my standpoint is all most seams like [GOD] an I use this term very loosely is trying to make me not have gay sex... which is ridiculous looking at it objectively.

But now here comes the fun part do you honestly think that I will be able to sustain a good relationship in the future, I mean I have one boyfriend before who only knew of my eye, well because its obvious, But surprisingly I have been lucky in getting laid...?, I never understood that part, I mean who wants to do it with a freaking cock eyed dude... of course I ddidn'tuse my anus...

the only attribute I could find on my that would seem remotely attractive is that im sort of masculine...?.. I ddon'tknow if tthat'sa big thing., but anyways... Guys please be honest.. thoughts, stories, advice.... anything you could give this semi ugly, weird eyed, diaper wearing, gay geek.. thanks!

I may be misreading your post but it sounds to me like the god (which neither of us believes in) who gave you a few problems to cope with also gave you a sense of humour. Perhaps he thought you'd need oneConfusedmile:.

What you need to realise is how attractive that is, there will be men wanting to whisk you away and force you into what will probably be very unsuitable, but highly amusing marriages (local jurisdictions may vary).

You've written a mere three hundred words and I like you already. Best avoid me, but your chances are good!

i think your being too hard on yourself, just cheer up your only what, 18 years old!? so many more years and boys will come to your life...

First of all buddy, stay strong, you will find someone Confusedmile: You will find somebody who will love you for who you are and see passed the things you don't like about yourself. I recently came out of the closet and I feel like I am on my own. Just maybe try to put yourself out there it doesn't have to be in a club environment, maybe you could look for LGBT events in your area in order to socialise and maybe just talk to other men and even women in the area and maybe the you won't feel alone. I believe there is someone for everyone. Have hope. Confusedmile:

It seems like you don't love yourself very much.
My only advice, learn how to love yourself before asking for anyone to love you.

I was at your place and I have to learn that lesson in a hard way. Hope you can learn it better than I did.

i agree with posterpicture i think you dont love yourself either because ive been in your situation where i would put myself down which is what im still working on today have faith and it will guide you to the right path and trust me you will find someone in the futureConfusedmile:

I think you're being too harsh on yourself about the eye. Granted, I haven't seen any pics, but I don't think many people are bothered by an eye being lazy, and you said yourself you were surprised about the interest (even if short-term).

The diaper is something that will be hard to broach but if you find a guy into you and explain it's for medical purposes, he'll hopefully understand. There are guys into wearing diapers for non-medical reasons, and those into those who wear them... and if they can find each other... surely you can find a guy that's open-minded enough to understand a medical condition.

You're quite young. There's so much of life to be enjoying at your age, making friends etc. Don't focus too much on what you don't have, or what's wrong with you. Go out and enjoy yourself. You might be surprised. Smile

As posterpicture says...it is hard for someone to love you when you don't love you....REAL love see's beyond all of our faults, big and small...obvious and not so obvious.

I don't think you have that much to worry about Rayden

tch tch tch, ye of little faith. you really should have more faith in people. no one is perfect.
i'd rather date frankenstein than to be with a guy whos emotionally fragile and vunerable to EVERYTHING (like having an emotional breakdown because he ran out of sugar for his morning coffee; true story *twitch twitch*) anus? who needs it, you have a mouth dont you, you can just gave yourself some nice oral sex. and lazy eye? are you seriously worried about that? LOOK AT JONSI FROM SIGUR ROS. he has one to, is it obnoxious? some might say yes. but that doesnt change the fact that hes awesome! he doesnt let something as trivial as a lazy eye stop him. so dont let your faults stop you. as long as you have a beating heart in that chest heart, a simple sense of humor, and good taste- YOU'LL BE FINE. dont shoot yourself down yet, you just got on the road!

do something for your self, indulgent, expensive, self serving.

do something constructive at your self too.

first smile at your self, its contagious... than can you share it.

i have a lazy eye too.

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