Hey, I found out today that I am suffering from sleep deprivation apparently. Hooray for me...?
Anyway, somehow I don't think it is the entire problem, but I get to try out some funky sleeping pills tonight.
Hopefully, the doctor (or quack as I like to call them) is right and I just need to sleep. Its a pain in the butt that I can't focus anymore on my work, I have been having breakdowns, and I feel like shit...
normally I would shrug it off, but its seriously affecting me at school. My friends say it is stress, but I'm pretty sure that isn't it. I've been much more stressed out with much less backlash.
I hope everyone else around here is in good mental health, at least more than me.:biggrin:
Babe I had no idea - you should have said !! :frown:.
You know we're all here for you  - keep us posted as to how you're getting on ok ? I hope the sleeping pills work out well, but perhaps we can help you view things from other perspective if they don't quite put you back to rights 100% ?
It's an offer at any road ... xx
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!
Yeah, I'm really good at hiding the fact that I feel like crap... I only let people in on it when it really starts to affect me... my roommate didn't even know until I got home with the prescription of sleeping pills.
I thought when I went in that I was suffering from depression (don't worry I don't have any suicidle thoughts), but the doctor was pretty sure it was a sleep thing. I get to go back in a week for a check up to see if I'm doing any better.
Mmmk ... well please do get in touch if you wanna talk any, ok ?
I've only ever experienced one bout of depression and that was quite enough for me ... so I hope he's right and that it's just a sleep thang ...
... I was going to say "speaking of which, how come you're still up", but I'm the one in the future, so it's a pot, kettle, black scenario there  mile:.
I'm off to bed now ... watch how I do it and you'll have no probs xx
Hope you're feeling right as rain in the morning babe xx
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!
Thats very usual among students at least.... Do you study long hours, push your self too much? You feel excluded and dont have much fun, you spend considerable amount of time alone and you could exercise more? You must have a better routine imo. Uni,study, (work if you do), exercise, relaxation time, sex and visit home at least once a month. If you can do that or at least 3 of those you ll notice the difference.
I went thru a depressive/suicidal state and the anti-depressants helped but were hell to get use to. I was also handed a script for sleeping and they would put me to sleep for a couple hours but then I would wake up soon after...
Now I am only on an anti-anxiety meds and very light sleeping pills which help but I still wake up every couple hours.
I think melatonin really helps too.
good luck with your sleeping, it is very important.
I do have a question for anyone who has ever been depressed?
Were you able to communicate to others about it?
I admit that when I talked to the doctor, I did hold back some information. I am extremely careful about saying things I know will cause alarm, even if I am talking to someone who will help me...
I don't know... lately I feel so down and alone...
I don't feel like there is a person in the world who could possible understand what I am thinking or how I feel... and even worse I don't feel I can trust anyone. I am paranoid that if someone really knew what I was really thinking and feeling that I would be in a straightjacket in a rubber room...
I hate this feeling... I feel trapped... I have no idea who to turn to anymore...
Sure ! I can answer that ...
HELL NO - I kept it all to myself, and didn't discuss it with anybody - I didn't feel I was able to ... so I wrapped myself in my own little coccoon, and viewed it as something of a healing phase I had entered ... kinda like a waking coma, which is how I actually view depression ...
HAD I spoken with people about it, then I would have been able to receive the kind of love, care and support that would have benefitted me - I just couldn't accept that this could possibly be the case at the time, as I (like you) didn't have any faith in people, and was scared that they would either rip the p!ss out of me, or worse yet, overreact and call the funny farm ...
Balance exists in all things - at the moment you're on one side of a set of scales and, because you're totally enwrapped in your own perspective on the matter, you can't fully appreciate the counterbalance ...
My advice to you is therefore to share your thoughts with us, or with somebody in private (could be me on MSN if you like, but generally-speaking it's perhaps better to get MORE than one person's view so you can assess the greater take on the situation), and take things from there.
I'm sure nobody here is going to berate you for being honest with us - I certainly would be able to offer you clearer advice on how I would proceed were I in your shoes, if you were to level with me ...
... but to be honest, I know it's asking you to take that leap of faith and trust me (us), which I will understand if you don't feel comfortable doing ...
...... but for what it's worth, I do believe it will help you ...
 babe x
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!
Well, the problem that came up was that when I got home last night and my roommate asked me why I had sleeping pills. I told her that I went to the doctor because I thought I was depressed, and she just blew it off as if I were joking.
Anytime I have ever felt this way, everyone tells me that I have nothing to be depressed about or I am making it up...
for awhile I believed it, but now I am old enough to know that it is something serious and its affecting me, not only at school, but with friends, and at home.
Thanks shadow
You're welcome babe ...
Hokay, so she was dismissive of what's ailing you - to be honest I think when most people are, it's not out of any sort of malice or deliberately intended ignorance on their part - they are trying (in their own way) to make you feel better, in that "if we trivialise your troubles, you might get feel empowered to put them in place" way ...
... which is great ! When it works ... and LOUSY when it doesn't.
Since she's your roommate, I guess you two spend quite a bit of time together, so I'm going to assume that you consider her a friend ? Or at the very least "alright" ? So would I be safe in assuming that you'd like to be able to discuss this type of thing with her ?
If THAT is the case, then I would move for, IF you believe that if you open up to her she'll support you, the "sit her down, look her in the eye and be honest with her" approach. HOWEVER, the last thing you want is for some blabbermouth to go off and discuss your most intimate concerns with other people, so a level of discretion in whom you choose to open up to is always a prudent step.
From MY perspective, I think you might be in danger of straying down a bit of a spiral on this one, insofar as the more you think about how you're feeling and how down you're getting and, perhaps more specifically, what it could be that's making you feel this way, the more you'll punish yourself until you find an answer, which will in turn make you feel worse and so on and so forth ...
I think the most pragmatic way I can suggest you approach this situation at the moment is to have a bit of a Q&A with us about certain aspects of your life at the present time ...
Spotysocks came up with a list of things that the average student should try and make time for in their student years, and it's a great idea - but if you wouldn't mind, can you tell us a bit more about :-
1) The quantity of work you're expected to turn out, its complexity and, more specifically, how much of your average day it takes up;
2) How physically active you are - do you run, do you do a martial art, etc., etc.
3) Your diet - are you a bummy student dieter ? Or do you take your physical development quite seriously;
4) How socially-active you are - do you belong to any student unions, clubs, frat house, that kind of thing ?
5) Friends-wise, who do you hang out with whilst you're there ? Do you have a large group of people to kick around with ? Or do you prefer to keep your own company ?
I already know a couple of the answers, and I can guess a couple of others, but if you tell us, then we can all hopefully chip in and help you out a bit more.
Keep your chin up babe - we'll help get you there xx
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!