i was bullied when i was high school too, there was a time i wanted to commit suicide, i guess im just a bit stronger..
Before i came out of the closet I was a boxer and mixed marital artist. I have found that it comes in handy with bullys and people who wish you bodily harm. Me and my bf were walking downtown when some drunk frat guys came out of a bar and started calling us faggots so we started going back to the car but one of them grabbed my bf and i flipped out and ended up breaking his nose and kicking him down. Then we ran to the car drove home and did "fun" thing for a couple of hours before falling asleep in his arms :3
There are over a thousand people where I work and everyone that I know has been really cool about it. I don't think things are nearly as bad as some of these religious fanatics say they are. If organized religion doesn't have an enemy then it dies. I think we're beginning to see this happen. Sooner the better.
Majority of the people that hate us with a passion and go to great lengths to make the hatred know I think in my humble opinion are gay themselves or are fighting with those desires and do not want to admitt that part of themelves to the people around them because they think those people will look at them different. So they act all homophobic and act like we are the scum of the earth so it protects there secret better. I just think its funny and laugh off people that don't like that I am gay, its like its there problem and not ours.
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Joined: Aug 2011
I'm a : Single Gay Man
I agree with the point that where you live matters a lot. I have friends in Oklahoma and Florida who say that it's not safe to come out, and when I go visit they remind me to hold back a bit.
For me personally, here in NJ, I'm out to everyone, family, friends, coworkers, pretty much everyone. I even have gay pride stickers on the back of my SUV. I've never had any flak from anyone.