11-07-2007, 07:08 PM
shadow Wrote:Hahahahaha.
Babe, wouldlikemuscle is right - I WISH it were a public holiday, as we would (I'm sure I speak for wouldlikemuscle as well) be stuffing ourselves SILLY with pancakes, but nope ...
Hell yea!! :biggrin:
Quote:Wouldlikemuscle, as I understand it, the Americans get BOATLOADS of public holidays, but comparatively very little annual leave ... I think the bog-standard on the mainland is what ... about 23 days a year ? Something like that ?? Whereas in America it's quite a bit less ...
... at least that's what I was always told ...
... so whilst we even out, I think ours is better even at the moment, 'coz we get to take it largely when we want, which is cool.
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!
Can a US person confirm less annual leave?? If so, fair do!
Well I get more than the average leave then

Also, can bank up to 5 days a year to a max of 15 in the bank to use whenever so potentially, if I hit 10 years, could get 43 days leave in one year!
My first job was only 20 days! Which I believe would now be less than the legal minimum.
shadow Wrote:Coolies !!
Do you get like ... double time AND a day in lieu if you work public holidays ? That seems to be the norm on the mainland (although over here it's usually just a day in lieu or time and a half).
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!
I know of people who get double bubble + the day back.. I only get double time for bank hols (+ petrol + £10).