Biscuits - it's a southern thing.
Gravy or Tomato Sauce?
Gravy - its a southern thing too.
Rake or blower (to clean up leaves)?
Blower - rakes give me blisters.
Pumpkin or sweet potato pie?
I'll take a slice of both....
Amsterdam or Hoover Dam
Hoover Dam - used to love parking there when trucks were still allowed.
Sacramento or Chicago?
Chicago - I haven't made any memories there - yet....
Museum of Art or Museum of History.
Both - with lunch in between.
Glasses or contacts?
Glasses. The idea of putting things on my eyeballs makes be hurl a little in the back of my throat.
Obama or Romney? (shades of politics)
Neither, but if I must Obama.
Church or outdoor wedding?
Hmmm. Outdoor wedding I guess. never saw myself in such a state though....
Wainscot or paneling?