Neither...chemistry is already a good substitute for magic, I'll stick with reactions rather than incantations anyday...
1 armoured division under your command (think Nazi Germany Panzer Divisions in quality or training and equipment) or 20 Infantry divisions under your command (think Ottoman Janissaries, Napoleon's Grand Armeé or g'old Prussian Infantry in quality of training and strategizing)
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Threads: 37
Joined: Sep 2012
I'm a : Single Gay Man
I'd have to consult with my generals before I make that decision. Maybe 1 armored division, I don't know.
The Boston Red Sox, or any team that beats the NY Yankees?
Red Sox? yankees? Well one thing is certain we know why you are single - you and all of that basketball stuff you like.... :tongue: I bet you scream at the TV when they hit a home goal and stuff like that.
yorkshire pudding or mash potato ?
Potatoes Always with the potatoes with this one.
Coffee or Tea
Sniff, Sniff... You smell familiar - do I know you?
Dates - Those can lead to sex, figs never seem to....
Tall or short?
Short hehe
Cuddling or Kissing