earl grey
tea with mussolini or muesli ?
definetly over easy and its really annoying coz no english people know what im talking about, i have to explain exactly... it makes me sick when the yolk is BRIGHT yellow eugh!
scrambled or fried (brrrrrains) ?
(with bits) always
cranberry juice or pineapple juice ?
Rider or ridden?
potato wedges or potato croquets ?
Which do you want more
My Ugly or My Disease
Diseases...they will pass in time...your uglyness will not...
and I prefer the parody "bad project" wich is an accurate depiction of my scientific life...
Poland 1795 or Poland 1939?
My um, what options I have to choose from. 1939 because they mostly had indoor plumbing which I guess is an improvement...
Reincarnation or Just one life with an eternal reward (or punishment)?