I'd have to say zombie - Owing I have seen a lot of them this evening - I think this year is Zombies.... Maybe its just a California thing?
So I have three bags of candy and no trick-a-treaters.... (Not that I was really expecting any).
Now Should I hide all the candy until next year for potential T&T's, or eat it all myself?
At your age don't get on the diabetes wagon, please...but also,saving it for next year is a waste of good candy...
maybe you should fill them with rat poison and randomly place it in strategic locations....now you will solve the rat, the breathing ex AND the kid problem...:biggrin:
I don't know...share it I guess and eat some..
geopolitical regions to live in: Balkans or Central Asia?
I think I would rather eat some of my rat poisoned candy than live in either of those regions.
Horse races or Dog Races
horse races and it was boy in skeletan costume though there were lots of zombies about too! lol
James bond or jaws (as in that scary bloke not the shark)
Jaws...I'm unbalanced...
getting sent to a gulag in Siberia or living in Sub-Saharian Africa?
Cherry.....as it's the only kind of tomato I have ever seen and eaten....
so, you're condemned to live the rest of your life in a not so LGBT friendly country:
Россия or الأردن ?
Россия Russianisk type accents are so hot....
Impossible or Improbable.
Saturday night fever or cabin fever ?
Cabin Fever - I have tools to fix that.
Alice in Wonderland or Through the Looking Glass?