Falling down stairs alone. Tripping in public doesn't bother me in the slightest
Mystery or romance
Hard call to make. Unlike you I don't have a work ethic of any measurable degree. I predominately worked because I enjoyed what I was doing (construction, building stuff, design, solving problems), or because it was necessary for some minor needs.
When it comes for career path politics and competition I really don't care. So I'm not too terribly disturbed if others get ahead by blowing others or kissing arse or through hard work - its all the same to me since I rarely seek to get a head.
Six of one or half a dozen of another?
I hate arbitrary measures..like dozen ans shit..
so six of anything....and 12.456.378 not 10+ millions...ugh...
so............ocasional self-loathing
a bit healthy or not?
Surprised or Shocked
Shocked...I like a good electrocution
stumble and fall after an infinite amount of time...or falling really hard instantly?
I live in a society of instant gratification soooo....... :biggrin:
Slurp and swallow or choke and gag...
Waking up... i can be awfully soppy in the morning.
Filter or roach ?
Neither, just the paper
Blunt or joint?