Carl or Rick (Walking Dead)
Nah, watched series 1 earlier this year, turned into an american soap with added zombies... dissapointing.
Salems lot of The stand ?
Have not read Stephen King ever.......ehhh....
The stand...just cause I have to pick something
Stephen King or H.P. Lovecraft?
H.P.Lovecraft... only because i,ve read a lot of king and none of lovecraft (which i must) and i dont read king anymore.
Jim Carrey films.
The cable guy or dumb and dumber ?
the cable guy
tea or coffee ?
Being awoken by a Justin Bieber album or by a huge chain saw?
the chain saw....please..
annoying bird singing outside the window wakes you up or dog barking to no end during the night doesn't let you sleep?
Annoying birds.
Photo or video?