09-16-2011, 02:17 AM
Isn't it a weird world we live in? We've taken almost everything and assigned it to a gender. These colors are for boys, these colors are for girls. These toys are for boys, these toys are for girls. These jobs for men, these jobs for women. Tools for men, cleaning and sewing products for women. Flowery scents for women, bay rum and sandalwood for men. Beer and hard liquor for me, fruity drinks and wine coolers for women. Body hair ok for men, unsightly for women. Suits for men, dresses for women. This can go on forever, so I'm gonna stop.
Recently, things have started to change, and things that were originally assigned to one gender have become acceptably accessible to the other gender, but now there is this strange double standard around crossing that imaginary “gender line.” Nobody thinks twice about a female doctor, but male nurses are still laughed it. A woman can wear “mens clothes,” (or similarly refuse to wear “womens clothes”
, and it's fine; not many people will complain, make jokes, or say that it's weird. However, if a man were to wear a skirt, a dress, or some other “womens clothes,” it freaks everybody out. It's acceptable in certain forms; they have terms for it. A man in a dress is a “cross dresser” or a “drag queen.” Similarly, when a man does things that were previously considered “woman” activities, people assume that he is gay. Hair dresser? Fashion designer? Interior decorator? Make-up artist? Everybody knows that these are stereotypical “gay jobs,” and if people see a man doing these jobs, they usually assume that he is gay. It strikes me as odd that while women are free to venture into what was previously a “man's” world, men's ventures into the “woman's” world assumes homosexuality as a prerequisite.
If a man were to wear a skirt, he's “cross-dressing,” or he's wearing “women's clothes.” Why? What if the guy just liked the skirt and he wanted to wear it? I'm not saying I want to wear a dress or a skirt, but I think that men should be able to without being labeled. I think it would be amazing if someone started a fashion trend of “skirts for men,” or “dresses for men,” just to mess with people. I bet the hipsters would wear it, and it would be the first useful thing that they do.
Recently, things have started to change, and things that were originally assigned to one gender have become acceptably accessible to the other gender, but now there is this strange double standard around crossing that imaginary “gender line.” Nobody thinks twice about a female doctor, but male nurses are still laughed it. A woman can wear “mens clothes,” (or similarly refuse to wear “womens clothes”

If a man were to wear a skirt, he's “cross-dressing,” or he's wearing “women's clothes.” Why? What if the guy just liked the skirt and he wanted to wear it? I'm not saying I want to wear a dress or a skirt, but I think that men should be able to without being labeled. I think it would be amazing if someone started a fashion trend of “skirts for men,” or “dresses for men,” just to mess with people. I bet the hipsters would wear it, and it would be the first useful thing that they do.