hello.im very sressed becase it s a intervow with a docter abot going to work abd disability mony . they will say why you not go to work.i work in a cafy but not get payed.it them wont me to getting a job an not disiability mony.i wont a job but i not got one yet .im worryed t if get toled of beacase i never had a job yet . im worryed i not alloed disabilty mony anymore :frown:did anyone else have it .
yes i just been wprryed about it.i wont to work i feel gielty
I don't think you should feel guilty. Disability money is for people, who, like you, need financial support to sustain their daily life. You are most certainly allowed to have it, as you have until now. If you are not sure what things mean, please ask Hannah to help you understand it. I think it is great if you can get a job that is paid properly, but I don't think it will necessarily mean that you won't get your disability money any more. As Zeon said, there are people out there who aren't really disabled and who are getting that sort of money, but that is not your case. If the doctor says you can work, then it's rather a good thing, don't you agree? Take this news as a positive thing, Joseph.
i had the interveow.it waas sress.
Hi Joseph have you received the decision from your medical examination, I hope it went your way??