To be honest ? I kinda agree with your dad ...
Whenever any event is televised or broadcast, one of the main purposes is for the broadcasting body to receive the highest-ratings they can get ...
That's why talk-shows and soap operas and things like that are always so very, very popular - because people love to hate them, and tune-in just to spout their opinions at the television ... (I realise you know this already, so please don't think me patronising xx).
I do, however,
also agree with you, in that
because it is often the case that gay events (when televised) do focus more on the glamous, flaming drag queens than on the hum-drum ordinary homos, it does give the moral majority a little encouragement to fuel the flames of their malcontent (from "I don't understand why they (homos) need to portray themselves like that ... why can't they just be
normal" to considerably less kind words). Many straight people are totally cool with it obviously; many straight people
love drag queens and gay parades and stuff like that, as they're so colourful and outgoing ... but they are not the majority.
I think that, to answer your question, broadcasting the image that homosexuals are generally-speaking quite normal people who live quite normal lives comes through, but in subtler ways.
The front page of our local paper a couplea nights ago went on about Jersey having its first-ever gay adoption (as in two gay men adopted a child). Whilst it's sure to cause a mini-backlash, I thought that was some decent coverage of a
normal issue that garnered
some positive feedback for us as a group ...
So I think it's just really a game of swings and roundabouts ... we win some, and we lose some

mile:, but my view is that anybody that bases their opinion on any race, creed or colour solely on what they read about in the papers, or see on the television, has something
significantly wrong with them in the first place ... :biggrin:.
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!