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Adding him on facebook....
For the past two weeks or so, there has been this epicly cute guy that catches my bus and goes to my college though (sadly) not in any of my classes. We have been exchanging glances and smiles but i think we are both a little bit too shy to talk. We have never spoken, just eye contact; some of which is an awkward stare (eye contact for a split second then look away). Theres no confirmation that he's actually gay/interested. Speaking stereotypically he seems like he might be gay, cant judge though. Literally by chance i came across this guy on Facebook, with one mutual friend. This guy commented on the mutual friends status. The mutual friend is more of an acquaintance more than anything. And i am just a little bit too worried about adding him as it might seem like i have been really creepy and have tried searching for him (have to admit i did try but no idea of his name so would have taken hours).

Sorry if this sounds childish but i live in the middle of a posh area where it seems like no one is gay so this rarely happens to me.

Ok, first of all, there is nothing wrong in being interested in someone, for a whole heap of different reasons. So I really don't think there's any need to worry about your requesting his friendship. You can always request and he can still refuse to pick you up on it. Maybe when you request his friendship on FB, you might add a little word about how you think you catch the same bus and would like to make further acquaintance... Just being bus buddies is a start. You might let him know that you are a bit shy and that you wouldn't normally do this, but it's easier when you have a common friend. Don't hesitate to make the first move. He may thank you for it. Remember, however that he may not return the request and therefore be prepared for a NO too. Just so you don't get your expectations too high. But, there's nothing wrong with wanting to befriend someone. Go for it. By the way, how old are you?
PS He doesn't need to know, right now, that you have taken a "gay" interest in him... All he needs to know is that you are ready to become his acquaintance, if he's up for it. It won't hurt to make that first step.

you know what i would do in this situtaion? grow a pair and go to the status that he posted on. and go "Hey! you're aren't you that guy from the bus i always see! Ah-the power of social networks! *then insert text here that applies to the status message that was posted." Dont add him- just see if he posts on the status again and replied to you directly. and then next time you see him on the bus you can wave obnoxiously and go "hey you know *insert mutual friend here* too?! he/she is so cool right!?!?!?" then you may poceed to converse and ultimatly claim him as an aquaintence.

you can add him after a conversation on the bus. and tada. its kinda forcing him to accept because he sees you every time your on that bus. and if he's into you, there shouldnt be a problem when you two start talking.

princealbertofb Wrote:Ok, first of all, there is nothing wrong in being interested in someone, for a whole heap of different reasons. So I really don't think there's any need to worry about your requesting his friendship. You can always request and he can still refuse to pick you up on it. Maybe when you request his friendship on FB, you might add a little word about how you think you catch the same bus and would like to make further acquaintance... Just being bus buddies is a start. You might let him know that you are a bit shy and that you wouldn't normally do this, but it's easier when you have a common friend. Don't hesitate to make the first move. He may thank you for it. Remember, however that he may not return the request and therefore be prepared for a NO too. Just so you don't get your expectations too high. But, there's nothing wrong with wanting to befriend someone. Go for it. By the way, how old are you?
PS He doesn't need to know, right now, that you have taken a "gay" interest in him... All he needs to know is that you are ready to become his acquaintance, if he's up for it. It won't hurt to make that first step.

Thanks so much. I am 19, this other person is either 16 or just turned 17, thats also a little bit of a worry. I just think cause sometimes the eye contact has been a bit awkward and sometimes it hasn't. And if its a no then the bus journeys, may become a little bit more awkward. Not that we have ever spoken before.

ManicLewis21 Wrote:you know what i would do in this situtaion? grow a pair and go to the status that he posted on. and go "Hey! you're aren't you that guy from the bus i always see! Ah-the power of social networks! *then insert text here that applies to the status message that was posted." Dont add him- just see if he posts on the status again and replied to you directly. and then next time you see him on the bus you can wave obnoxiously and go "hey you know *insert mutual friend here* too?! he/she is so cool right!?!?!?" then you may poceed to converse and ultimatly claim him as an aquaintence.

you can add him after a conversation on the bus. and tada. its kinda forcing him to accept because he sees you every time your on that bus. and if he's into you, there shouldnt be a problem when you two start talking.

well said my friend!Wink

Why would he say no? He might just choose not to answer. Tell him your age and ask him how old he is... This will break the ice. You are just looking for an acquaintance, or a friendship at best. Once you are both friends on FB, you can get to know each other a little better, can't you?

Add him, tell him you saw that you had a mutual friend and wouldn't mind chatting sometime. Its one of those situations where the worst thing that could happen is he says NO.


I would not randomly add him. If possible I would try to sit by him on the bus and if he's listening to his iPod, just start a conversation, like, 'hey, what are you listening to?' or something like that. Be real calm and relaxed, not overly friendly. Maybe introduce yourself and ask him what classes he's taking, that sort of thing. Don't rush and whoever gets off first, just say, nice talking to you, catch you later. Maybe he'll start saving you a seat next to him... Wink

IDK, I'd just rather try to make a friend no matter if it turns into just a bus-ride friend than randomly add someone on fb and torture myself on whether or not he's going to acknowledge me. But, this is just my opinion and probably a bad one at that. :tongue:

Good luck! I'd love to hear what you decide and how it goes! Best of wishes!

Just add him on Facebook. It doesn't hurt to add anyone you never talked to on Facebook. But, I'd rather suggest to talk to the guy beforehand. If the guy catches the same bus, that mean you can just work up the courage to talk to the guy while waiting for the bus. If you guys are at different station, then check if there's an empty seat beside the guy, stand up and go sit there. After that, just something like "Don't I see you in this bus often?" or some kind of stuff to open up a conversation, and go from there. good luck! There's nothing to be scared of! For a good practice, you can just start talking to random people on the bus.

Hahah thanks guys for the advice. Ok heres the reason why i feel like a 10 year old.... whenever i feel i should talk to him i chicken out and feel all nervous. Theres sometimes parts where i could sit next to him (busy bus, not many seats) but i chicken out. IM 19!!! why the hell am i being like this lol. I just fear how its going to be an awkward mess.

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