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i think its time i tell him
me and my best friend- you know- the guy i like- that might be potentially straight. as of late or friendship has been fucked up. and recently we have been arguing. He says he wants to sort out our friendship and he wants to work out the kinks. he doesnt understand why our friendship screws up every now and then. i know why though. its because i fell in love with him and i havent had the courage to tell him im gay or that i have fallen for him-so i often get really bitter andlash out at him with silent treatments and such. it really hurts him. and i'll admit it really hurts me to. this last time we went for almost half a year not talking. i cant do this anymore the going in and out of friendship. the mending and repairing then the destroying and burning. i have to end it. i have to tell him. he has extended that offer to sort things out. I think i'm ready to out myself to him. i think im ready for consequences. and i'll go in expecting hes straight and will reply with a shocked and terror. or maybe he'll hate me for not trusting him. whatever the cause. im sick of hurting us both. this last time we argued, i know i struck a nerve. hes gotten really upset. hes told me hes been crying. and that tears me to shreds, knowing if i just had a little more balls and wasnt a coward that this wouldnt be happenin to him. its time he gets to know, who his real friend is. hopefully we can get past this. this is gonna be my first time outing myself. im nervous. im so so so nervous. im scared. but im also really anxious. i just hope---everything comes out ok....:frown:

Go for it, Lewis. You do what you have to do and do it when you are ready. It seems that you are ready, so yes go for it.

Who knows maybe by coming out to him, it can fix and mend your friendship with him. Maybe your friendship will get even stronger.

You have my support, Lewis.

I was sure I was going to lose friends when I decided to come out a few years. But guess what? I haven't lost anyone due to it. Frankly, no one in the 18-40 year age range gets riled up about someone being gay. There's far more social acceptance than you think.

Coming out to him will almost definitely ease the tension between you and your friend.....although I would personally hold out telling him that you have a crush on him. That maybe a bit much for him to digest right away. But I'm sure your friendship will be fine and intact with his acknowledgement of your sexuality.

Good luck, you've got my support!

Goodluck Manic! hope everything turns out for the best Smile

ManicLewis21 Wrote:... the guy i like- that might be potentially straight ... i know i struck a nerve. hes gotten really upset. hes told me hes been crying

i was going to say Lewis21 should channel his efforts into getting a proper gay boy friend and start dating and not tell his friend anything. this would organically resolve the issue. it would distract Lewis21 and he would give his friend less attention. the friend would soon discover Lewis is dating too.

not enough information here but seems the friend is emotionally involved with Lewis. bromance or lover you should say you have feelings for him too. if he is not gay you should tell him you are dating other gay boys and you just wanted to clear the air about you two.

Good luck, Lewis!
It sounds like you have thought this through and it is important for your emotional and physical well-being as well as that of your friend.

If he was crying, upset and wants to sort out your friendship, then he sounds emotionally sensitive enough to have the conversation you want.

I have confidence in you! Best wishes! Bighug

Xyxthumbs Xyxthumbs

If its hard to talk, write a letter first. That way it will give you time to think about what it is you want to say, and come up with phrases that you feel best to describe where you are emotionally/mentally.

Seldom do we get to have that conversation we have running in our heads, that 'script' that we want to play out. A letter usually works best, it gives the reader a reason to not interrupt the flow of thoughts, and gives the writer the needed time to think.

No matter what happens, is will be OK. Yeah that sounds trite, but its true, even if things doesn't go well, eventually it becomes OK.

We are all behind you spiritually...

You got my support Lewis...... as Bowyn Aerrow said, i would as well suggest that you write a letter first, put your thoughts to paper..... yes it's hard coming out to anyone, much more if you never came out at all.... whatever happens, be it good or bad, you have the support of us all

Hey (new here) ..I dunno, I've had situations like that turn
Both ways.. some guys can be very open & sensitive until you
Tell them you're gay, and then it can act as a barrier. Depends if he
Is homophobic. Only you would know.. I had a similar experience
Last week: this awesomely nice Guy I see almost every day, well i
Finally got up the courage to give him my number, not
Really knowing if he was into guys. He never called, but
He focuses his attention on me know, and wants to
talk, etc. Feeling good about it Smile but rly I think it's a
Chance you should only take if you are 100% comfortable with
it. Anyway good luck! Smile

Lewis, it certainly sounds like it is the make or break moment. I would like to say that it sounds like you have a terrific friend in this guy and my instinct is telling me from what I have of your situation, everything will work out, there may be a couple of more bumps in the road, but I believe that through thick and thin this guy will always be your friend.

I hope that it worls out for both of you, keep us posted mate Wink

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