11-16-2011, 04:22 AM
If Wall St isn't close to your house try occupying a bank near you
Mario Savio would love to be joined by every gay fighting the machine
Like everyone else, I am praying the police don't turn violent. I have this awful feeling rich people are getting annoyed. Every demonstrator is being clubbed and maced by Police.
As a kid, I grew up as an Irish Catholic boy from New York City. My sainted Irish mother told me that when St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland, they all came to America to be cops, FBI and IRS agents. When they Irish landed in America, they swore allegiance to money. A smaller group became Catholic priests who molested little boys. Unfortunately they missed me. I was a horny gay kid even in the 5th grade. Don't ever tell anyone some gay guys are horny. The media would shit.
In 65 years of life, I found that most people work hardest for the people who pay them. Most cops make money at private parties for the very rich in NY. I was always surprised that my cousins made up to 3 grand just to sit at parties and watchover jewelry and fur coats for 6 hours. Be careful to find out who the police in your town work for. Very few policeman can live on the salary of a police officer. Ask around and find out who pays money to the police in your town. If we attack the income of police, the police will fight back with force.
PS If you are looking for someone to blame for the current state of America, my name is gilhooly. I am one of the 300 million assholes who voted for the politicians who have screwed up this country. Feel free to picket me on Llewellyn Avenue. To fix our problem, we must all admit that we have sinned against our country. We should ask God to forgive us and then come up with a plan. No one is part of the solution unless they recognnize they are the problem. Wall St is a good starting point since all problems are about money. Wall St could lower energy prices by 80% and the world would explode with new business activity. Currently we are afraid to do anything. We do nothing and we are dead. Anything is better than nothing. Throw rocks at me if it makes you feel better. I'm 65 and will be dead pretty soon. On the other hand. if stupid politicians try to force to commit suicide I will most definitely fight back. I am still amarine and intend to die fighting. I will take some bastards to hell with me. Recently after listening to debates, I decided to check prices for guns and rifles on the internet. I have no intention of dying because some rightwing politicians don't like faggots like me. I have enormously enjoyed being a faggot for over 50 years. Some right-wingers would prefer me to be heterosexual. OVER YOUR DEAD FUCKEN BODY-- I WILL TELL YOU I AIN"T BECOMING STRAIGHT FOR ANYONE. GOD MADE ME A HOMOSEXUAL AND I THANK GOD I HAD AN EXCITING LIFE BEING GAY. I FUCKED UP SOME THINGS BUT BEING GAY ISN"T ONE OF THEM.
I loved one guy named Tom. He left me with 2 very different problems. If you gave Tom a dirty look I would rip your fucking heart out and shove it down your throat. My second is I met Tom in 1968 and have suffered from a permanent erection for 43 years. That's not funny. Recently I was in a supermarket. They had this large add on the wall. I saw the Eifel Tower in Paris and got an immediate erection. The top of the Eifel Tower was where Tom and I made love on the very first day of our honeymoon. We had no invited guests on our honeymoon but everyone at the top of that tower thought we put on a great show. It was one of the best orgasms of my life. I was suddenly afraid standing in this supermarket. What if this store has a picture of the Cathedral of Notre Dame. I will cum in my pants. I fucked Tom the second day near the top of the Cathedral. For years and years I begged Tom why can't we have sex in a bed by ourselves. That bastard always said no. I rode with him in cars where he drove at 100mph. He would steer with his left and masturbate me with his right. Everytime I saw him I would yell you are going to get us killed. The little prick would just giggle at me and say we can't live forever. I would say OK. But can I have a month off from sex. I need some recovery time. No matter how polite I was he wanted more sex. At one point I flat out refused to put up any more with his demands. I had 11 orgasms in 24 hours and thought my genitals might go on strike. Tom, I will give you a maximum of 5 orgasms per day. Tom, if you were Mormon, you would be a polygamist gay Mormon. I do not have a single normal memory of a normal gay sex act. We we always someplace weird or doing something bizarre. Now that I think of it, sex at the top of Macchu Pichu in Peru was better than the Eifel Tower. If any gay guys get bored I could give you 100 examples of just how fucking crazy Tom was. I did get Tom in bed once but he forced me to play checkers to see which of us would cum first. By the way, Chinese checkers doesn't work. The motion on the bed made the marbles not stay in theor holes. I was a good marine and I new how to stay in the hole I liked best. Tom and I liked fancy foods. I liked his hole served with a delicious hollandaise on it, But we weren't always fancy, sometimes I ate his penis a normal hot dog roll with mustard relish and sauerkraut. When we met in 1968. I was a virgin who felt gay but acted straight. Tom was an experienced heterosexual out of high school. Neither of us knew anything about gay because no one had ever talked about the concept. Neither of us had ever seen gay porn. One night we had sex but we weren't sure what to call the things we were doing. We both shook our heads and wondered. Tom smiled and said, " Let's invent sex, Fuck all the rules. Let's have sex any way we can figure ot out. If it sounds sexy let's try it. Masters and Johnson make a living trying to figure out sex, Let's do our own research and experiments and find out what works for us. John. I liked what we just did. Did you like what we just did? I said YES. After 43 years of research and experimentation in sex. I happily recommend sex to the entire human race. You would not believe how incredible orgasms can get if you work at it or. best of all, how funny orgasms can get. More below if you are curious.
If Wall St isn't close to your house try occupying a bank near you
Mario Savio would love to be joined by every gay fighting the machine
Like everyone else, I am praying the police don't turn violent. I have this awful feeling rich people are getting annoyed. Every demonstrator is being clubbed and maced by Police.
As a kid, I grew up as an Irish Catholic boy from New York City. My sainted Irish mother told me that when St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland, they all came to America to be cops, FBI and IRS agents. When they Irish landed in America, they swore allegiance to money. A smaller group became Catholic priests who molested little boys. Unfortunately they missed me. I was a horny gay kid even in the 5th grade. Don't ever tell anyone some gay guys are horny. The media would shit.
In 65 years of life, I found that most people work hardest for the people who pay them. Most cops make money at private parties for the very rich in NY. I was always surprised that my cousins made up to 3 grand just to sit at parties and watchover jewelry and fur coats for 6 hours. Be careful to find out who the police in your town work for. Very few policeman can live on the salary of a police officer. Ask around and find out who pays money to the police in your town. If we attack the income of police, the police will fight back with force.
PS If you are looking for someone to blame for the current state of America, my name is gilhooly. I am one of the 300 million assholes who voted for the politicians who have screwed up this country. Feel free to picket me on Llewellyn Avenue. To fix our problem, we must all admit that we have sinned against our country. We should ask God to forgive us and then come up with a plan. No one is part of the solution unless they recognnize they are the problem. Wall St is a good starting point since all problems are about money. Wall St could lower energy prices by 80% and the world would explode with new business activity. Currently we are afraid to do anything. We do nothing and we are dead. Anything is better than nothing. Throw rocks at me if it makes you feel better. I'm 65 and will be dead pretty soon. On the other hand. if stupid politicians try to force to commit suicide I will most definitely fight back. I am still amarine and intend to die fighting. I will take some bastards to hell with me. Recently after listening to debates, I decided to check prices for guns and rifles on the internet. I have no intention of dying because some rightwing politicians don't like faggots like me. I have enormously enjoyed being a faggot for over 50 years. Some right-wingers would prefer me to be heterosexual. OVER YOUR DEAD FUCKEN BODY-- I WILL TELL YOU I AIN"T BECOMING STRAIGHT FOR ANYONE. GOD MADE ME A HOMOSEXUAL AND I THANK GOD I HAD AN EXCITING LIFE BEING GAY. I FUCKED UP SOME THINGS BUT BEING GAY ISN"T ONE OF THEM.
I loved one guy named Tom. He left me with 2 very different problems. If you gave Tom a dirty look I would rip your fucking heart out and shove it down your throat. My second is I met Tom in 1968 and have suffered from a permanent erection for 43 years. That's not funny. Recently I was in a supermarket. They had this large add on the wall. I saw the Eifel Tower in Paris and got an immediate erection. The top of the Eifel Tower was where Tom and I made love on the very first day of our honeymoon. We had no invited guests on our honeymoon but everyone at the top of that tower thought we put on a great show. It was one of the best orgasms of my life. I was suddenly afraid standing in this supermarket. What if this store has a picture of the Cathedral of Notre Dame. I will cum in my pants. I fucked Tom the second day near the top of the Cathedral. For years and years I begged Tom why can't we have sex in a bed by ourselves. That bastard always said no. I rode with him in cars where he drove at 100mph. He would steer with his left and masturbate me with his right. Everytime I saw him I would yell you are going to get us killed. The little prick would just giggle at me and say we can't live forever. I would say OK. But can I have a month off from sex. I need some recovery time. No matter how polite I was he wanted more sex. At one point I flat out refused to put up any more with his demands. I had 11 orgasms in 24 hours and thought my genitals might go on strike. Tom, I will give you a maximum of 5 orgasms per day. Tom, if you were Mormon, you would be a polygamist gay Mormon. I do not have a single normal memory of a normal gay sex act. We we always someplace weird or doing something bizarre. Now that I think of it, sex at the top of Macchu Pichu in Peru was better than the Eifel Tower. If any gay guys get bored I could give you 100 examples of just how fucking crazy Tom was. I did get Tom in bed once but he forced me to play checkers to see which of us would cum first. By the way, Chinese checkers doesn't work. The motion on the bed made the marbles not stay in theor holes. I was a good marine and I new how to stay in the hole I liked best. Tom and I liked fancy foods. I liked his hole served with a delicious hollandaise on it, But we weren't always fancy, sometimes I ate his penis a normal hot dog roll with mustard relish and sauerkraut. When we met in 1968. I was a virgin who felt gay but acted straight. Tom was an experienced heterosexual out of high school. Neither of us knew anything about gay because no one had ever talked about the concept. Neither of us had ever seen gay porn. One night we had sex but we weren't sure what to call the things we were doing. We both shook our heads and wondered. Tom smiled and said, " Let's invent sex, Fuck all the rules. Let's have sex any way we can figure ot out. If it sounds sexy let's try it. Masters and Johnson make a living trying to figure out sex, Let's do our own research and experiments and find out what works for us. John. I liked what we just did. Did you like what we just did? I said YES. After 43 years of research and experimentation in sex. I happily recommend sex to the entire human race. You would not believe how incredible orgasms can get if you work at it or. best of all, how funny orgasms can get. More below if you are curious.