Anonymous Wrote:I don't want to live anymore. I have lost my boyfriend he treated me like all the rest just wanted to hurt me
i havent had much personal experiance with this sort of thing but once i tryed had everything ready ready gun and was ready till an idea struck my head that i would not let "them" win no mmater if it was one of us or was one of the haters of us it was my life
not theirs and how many would be hurt if i did this thing . in the first plaace as far as lovers
are concerned usaly they don't exactly start out to hurt you they usaly don't think about you they are too busy on their own little trip trying to get what they want and nothing else matters to them theey will say they feel the same way as you and are exactly on the same wavelength as you so you will give it up and pleasure them as they wish i know you felt thoes vibes and they couldent have been fooling you but unfortunatly we tell these guys exactly our honest feelings and end up helping them to fool us some times they dont even know what that they are doing it it is in the subchonice mind but it dosent mater you were willing to put yourself you there willing to be hurt in the name of true love so just feel sorry for themthey will never know true love because that woun't be honest withthemselves
so they have no chanch of true happyness in there life so why should an ass like that upset you that much get your head on stright and think about it little expect thingss like this
to occur in your life but expect this sort of thing will happen if you let yourself be so honest and vunerable by investing your emotions in another human being so hold back your full love untill your sure of your lover befor you commit fully to someone elses feelings
me i did not commit till i had been with the guy for 10 years before asking him if he would fully commit to me and discussed what that ment to me and what i expected from him in return that way i had 10 years to asses his actions and his true nature i know it is hard to do something like that but i didn't want to go thru that horrable pain again and wanted it to be where we both had time ro search oursoles so we each knew we had the same feelings
we lived together for like 34 years till he passed a couple of years ago and i am almost ready to go out there and risk trying to find another guy because i feel like only half a person without someone to share this life with. ok soap box mode off just slow down your emotions and think about what it is you truely want to get out of life