11-17-2011, 11:26 PM
Hello all,
Tonight i watched a film known as Boy in striped pyjamas and its set in the second world war... Has anyone seen it??? I watched it and it made me angry the way people are just shoved aside like they were in those days... The way properganda took over peoples lives and leads them to a false pretence andf furthermore i was sad to see em all die however i was happy that the rich boy died with the poor one who he had made friends with
I remember in school i cried in this film but as an adult..... I just sat there not balling down like i used to lol
Tonight i watched a film known as Boy in striped pyjamas and its set in the second world war... Has anyone seen it??? I watched it and it made me angry the way people are just shoved aside like they were in those days... The way properganda took over peoples lives and leads them to a false pretence andf furthermore i was sad to see em all die however i was happy that the rich boy died with the poor one who he had made friends with