To myself: 14-15
To friends: 14-16
To my parents: TBD
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this is difficult to answer because im not sure, as i've admitted ive known forever, it wasn't till i was 13 that i understood what bisexuality was and that i was it, somthing different than the "norm"
around that time i came out to my cousin and best friend, and few other very close friends, but i never hid it from anybody that asked about it, but it wasn't till college (around age of 18) i became more open about it and like "yeah whatever, i am what i am"
I came out to my mother when I was 24 and my father when I was 25. Kinda wish I had done it earlier, but I wasn't ready until then.
In the past year I've actively come out to 4 people.. and given them permission to tell whoever they want, like mutual friends, with some exceptions. So all in all, almost everyone who knows me here in Spain (I've been here 2 years) knows I'm gay. (I also have 'gay' friends... Who I'm not counting in this.)
I'm moving back home in two months and I expect a whole new wave of coming out. It does kind of suck that coming out never really ends. It does get easier, I suppose, but it's still stressful.
From 4 people to everyone you know in Spain lol.
I am being impressed with grape vine network haha.
Last year, I came out the first time to one friend in December. This year, up to this point, I have been came out to at least 60 people. I guess. :|
i came out this year, so yeah 17
i came out to my mother when i was 17 and she took it pretty well
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Threads: 77
Joined: Jun 2009
I'm a : Single Gay Man
Is being outed the same thing, then put me down for 13