This guy keeps stalking me and texting me and I'm just so irritated. He sleeps around alot, and I know this cause he told me and I'm not interested in contracting an STI.
I'm a romantic, so I don't just sleep with anybody, and I hate stalkers, so for him to keep bothering me, it's pissing me off. (Don't give your phone number to people who only want to get in your pants!!! :mad: ).
There are so many sides of me I wouldn't know where to begin. But reading the It Gets Better bit and remembering how I instinctively (and correctly) knew it got better (which I figured it would after I was no longer at the mercy of the schools, court, 'rents, etc), I was reminded of this song:
I think it described me very well before I was an adult (save for the gender I'd prefer, of course). Some of my earliest memories were of reading of girls who rescued themselves, from Pippi Longstocking to Dorrie the Little Witch. I kept that up until I was really inspired by the 13-year-old character of Rynn in The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane when I was 15. And ultimately, with all that inspiration, I escaped a potentially very grim fate and I rescued myself.
Granted, if I knew then what I know now I'd have gone about it in a completely different way and have fewer scars to show for it. But I did well despite my ignorance, inexperience, and immaturity, and it helps me feel assured that I can take care of any other problem in the future as well.