11-25-2011, 07:12 PM
The guy I'm seeing works a lot and so do I but him more than me. I work more nights and he works during the day. I guess since it is the holiday season. We are both busy.
We normally see eachother once or twice a week, even when we are busy. We've been dating for a month now.
I wish we could see eachother more often.
So I'm guessing it's good, seeing him when I can right? I think I expect the guy to be super romantic and to be everything I imangine.
I have my flaws and I'm sure he does too. We all have flaws. I'm the jelaous type to the point where I think just because he added a new friend on facebook, that's he's automactically talking to a new guy and will soon forget about me.
How can I be less jelaous? And learn to not worry so much about him leaving me? My last bf left me after two months and I was hurt and he finally told me why he left. So I guess I just get scared that this new guy will do the same.
We normally see eachother once or twice a week, even when we are busy. We've been dating for a month now.

So I'm guessing it's good, seeing him when I can right? I think I expect the guy to be super romantic and to be everything I imangine.
I have my flaws and I'm sure he does too. We all have flaws. I'm the jelaous type to the point where I think just because he added a new friend on facebook, that's he's automactically talking to a new guy and will soon forget about me.
How can I be less jelaous? And learn to not worry so much about him leaving me? My last bf left me after two months and I was hurt and he finally told me why he left. So I guess I just get scared that this new guy will do the same.