01-06-2012, 11:55 PM
Hello All,
I thought id share some good news... For those that dont know I work as a civil enforcement Officer which means i deal with civil offences such as Parking and one day a guy did something which was damn stupid... After issuing a £25 parking ticket to his veichle he came up behind me in the street and threw Tomato Ketchup from a squeezy up my shirt... I was so angry I contacted the police and they asked what action I wanted... I know the police here do a community thing whereby offenders write an apology letter to the victim and if the police are satisfied then its ended there...
However this guy decided to take on the system and he ended up pleading NOT GUILTY until.... 2 days ago... Well today he entered the dock and pleaded guilty.. The judge awarded him a fixed 60 hours of unpaid community work, 12 month suspended sentence ordered to pay court costs of £250 with an additional £50 compensation to me... So basically had he been a good little boy and just paid the fine it would cost him £25 but because he wanted to go the extra mile to assualt me wioth tomato ketchup one spray cost him £250 + £50 + £6.20 * 60hours (minimum wage (if being paid)) on community service) = £672 of which £300 he pays out of his pocket and the remainder is community service.. I am glad to see the law is now cracking on petty criminals who think they can do stupid stuff and ruin someones moment in time and get away with it
Kindest regards
zeon x
I thought id share some good news... For those that dont know I work as a civil enforcement Officer which means i deal with civil offences such as Parking and one day a guy did something which was damn stupid... After issuing a £25 parking ticket to his veichle he came up behind me in the street and threw Tomato Ketchup from a squeezy up my shirt... I was so angry I contacted the police and they asked what action I wanted... I know the police here do a community thing whereby offenders write an apology letter to the victim and if the police are satisfied then its ended there...
However this guy decided to take on the system and he ended up pleading NOT GUILTY until.... 2 days ago... Well today he entered the dock and pleaded guilty.. The judge awarded him a fixed 60 hours of unpaid community work, 12 month suspended sentence ordered to pay court costs of £250 with an additional £50 compensation to me... So basically had he been a good little boy and just paid the fine it would cost him £25 but because he wanted to go the extra mile to assualt me wioth tomato ketchup one spray cost him £250 + £50 + £6.20 * 60hours (minimum wage (if being paid)) on community service) = £672 of which £300 he pays out of his pocket and the remainder is community service.. I am glad to see the law is now cracking on petty criminals who think they can do stupid stuff and ruin someones moment in time and get away with it

Kindest regards
zeon x