what if you been dating for 1, 2,3, or 4 months and you have not talked about being exclusive or haven't be asked to be their bfs, then what is cheating then?
Well if you are not bf's yet how do you know if he is not cheating on you? but on the other hand maybe it is taken for granted that you and him are dating. Some people date numberous people at one time. As far as flirting, everyone does that. Having sex with someone else I would concider cheating as well as sexting. Kissing well if it is a peck on a cheak or the lips I see nothing wrong with that.
Ok the other week I got asked if I would be someones fuckbuddy. O.o
Contemplation Loading 100% Complete........... Computer says no!
Cheating to me.
IDK about flirting
Also me and my boy never talked about being exclusive. We just held hands and that was than.
Sexting - Not cheating but like a huge red flag
Flriting - Not cheating but very disrespectful if done flagrantly
Kissing - Yeah that's not unforgivable but still cheating
Sex- CHEATING!! like dump their ass cheating and burn their shit cheating :eek:
I believe that it IS cheating when you are exclusive (that is, it is a mutual agreement to see only each other) and one or the other is seeing people (dating, sex, etc.) behind the others' back.
It is NOT cheating if you are not mutually exclusive and are just casually dating.
From my perspective, of course...
We all seem to have differing opinions here so hope you can sort it all out!