01-10-2012, 09:10 PM
East Wrote:Maybe Donald Trump can help out...he is so very helpful in these matters. If he is busy maybe another publicity whore can fill in! It would be better if he were black though...alot more people that "aren't racist"could get on board. One of my favorite "Oh no they aren't" moments on the big political board I post on...people who readily and proudly admitted their racism for years to the point where it was completely offensive all of a sudden had a brain fart and insisted they werent' racist when they were calling Mr Obama's birth certificate into question.
I really don't think that ALL Birthers are actually racist. I think many of them are, yes, but I think there are some who are just plain gullible, especially when it comes to political distractions such as this. It really makes you want to duck your head and sew a maple leaf to your backpack.