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harry.onson Wrote:do you mean that i have to come out to my family dude they might kill me
i told you its forbidden
Hmm naw just decide what to do as it is blat getting to you.. :frown:
[COLOR="Purple"]As I grow to understand less and less,
I learn to love it more and more. [/COLOR]
Considering your age and the general perception of homosexuality in most countries and perhaps where are you it is less accepted that other places i suggest not to come out yet.
You know you are attracted to guys at least (maybe girls too i dont know), thats good enough for now. Makes you feel more anxious but at least you have realized it and helps you grow emotionally better than when you deny it and repress your self. Many people dont manage to do this, so take this as an achievement.
Important is to be as relaxed as you can be, dont stress your self and wanting more than you can chew.
No matter what others around you believe don't think you are doing something wrong by being who you are, you are not.
What you should do in my opinion is to wait, have patience and dont take to many risks unless you are sure you have evaluated situations right. You find us now, there are good people here to guide you with good advice thats a good start.
If you have plans to go abroad for your further education like some people i know, could give you the space you need to breath.
Anyhow , you could find someone in the same situation as you to talk and befriend him like you would do with anyone else regardless their sexual orientation. There are a lot of people in your country that feel exactly like you do. The difficult part is to find them and make a contact with them because they hide it just to fit in.
What makes it difficult is that you are underage and your lack of experience combined with curiosity and a false judgment on someone from the internet can put you in some kind of trouble. You have to be sensible and careful like everyone else does really.
guuuuuuuys i told 2 of my friend about my sexuality
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What they say?
[COLOR="Purple"]As I grow to understand less and less,
I learn to love it more and more. [/COLOR]
they sayed np you can trust us but plllz dont do anything now
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harry.onson Wrote:they sayed np you can trust us but plllz dont do anything now
Thats pretty cool.
[COLOR="Purple"]As I grow to understand less and less,
I learn to love it more and more. [/COLOR]
Fair play that IS cool - you must be doing CARTWHEELS compared with how you'd feared it would go ... WELL DONE !!
You disregarded my counsel, and it paid off for you !! Well done :biggrin:.
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!
Indeed !! :biggrin:.
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!