I agree with the guys above. You need to go for it. Do you even have different lunch periods in your schedule? (what about a game or assembly type thing?) I was thinking if he's talking to a mutual friend, go up to the mutual friend and then turn and talk to your crush. Include him in the conversation, maybe ask his opinion. Then try asking what music he is into? what video games he plays? Anything, like that and then casually say something like we should hang out some time. See what happens.
Hey, if you know he's gay and there's a little interest, I hope you take a chance. We all worry about making a fool of ourselves but you know what? We need to worry about those chances that we miss. Push yourself. I promise you he's as nervous as you and then later these are the things you laugh and tease about together.
I was closeted in hs and my first 2 years of college. Like AlephNull said, no dances, no dates, nothing. If I wouldn't have pushed myself, I wouldn't have met the incredible guy who is now in my life. We actually went to Homecoming last semester because both of us missed that stuff in hs. We had silly fun with mutual friends. You will be surprised how much it matters.
I recommend taking things slow and building a friendship. Everyone can use another friend.

mile: Also, you need to make sure he's someone you want to hang around. And, just really try to have an attitude of having fun.
And, even if this doesn't work out it's a start for when you go to college and you see a cute guy in the LGBT Center. :tongue:
Go for it!