...no, it's not legal here in the U.S.....in fact in 38 states just being gay is illegal! Here, in California...the California Supreme Court just ruled last week that denying gays the right to marry violates the California Constitution...so, as of this day...though I'm sure the right wing nutballs will try to stop it....we could get married in California...but, it would only be recognized by 2 other states (massechusetts, and Vermont)...but, not on a federal level, due to George Bush's "Defense of Marraige Act" that passed congress several years ago...
Cool post. I owe 310.50. I had to do some extra math cause my ex was 3/4 Puerto Rican.
Couple of wee questions before i announce my total...
For Had sex with someone on Myspace, does Bebo count??
For Had sex for money, does being offered it for sex, then saying no, then ending sleeping with the guy and just stealing the money anyway count??
For Had sex with a Puerto Rican, does half Puerto Rican, half Columbian count??
For Hit on someone of the same sex while at work, does having an absurdly close relationship where we had pet names for each other and TOTALLY would have slept together if he didn't have a girlfriend at the time count??
For sex in a pool does a jacuzzi count??