01-16-2012, 12:27 PM
[SIZE="4"][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Navy"]Hola everyone! I don't like to be this clichè but it seemed just right to say hello to ya'll! 
Please call me Zak (: any question i'm happy to respond. My mother tongue is spanish so i apologise for future conflicts related to language or misswritting also i'm dislexic so is a recype to disaster lol[/COLOR][/SIZE][/SIZE]

Please call me Zak (: any question i'm happy to respond. My mother tongue is spanish so i apologise for future conflicts related to language or misswritting also i'm dislexic so is a recype to disaster lol[/COLOR][/SIZE][/SIZE]
![[Image: 376051_10150491922832807_517647806_89112...4093_n.jpg]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/376051_10150491922832807_517647806_8911225_149944093_n.jpg)