Granted, but your passport was stolen and you have no money.
I wish I lived somewhere tropical.
Granted: You live on a 900 sq ft patch of sand 150 miles from the next nearest patch of sand
I wish a beautiful gay man would knock on my door right now
Granted .. Not going to ruin that wish.
I wish people would stop calling me love.
Well! Where is he????
Granted; They will call you "sweetie pie" instead
I wish I could win the lottery
Granted. but you forgot to buy a lotto ticket that day.
I wish I could go back in time and fix my mistakes in life.
Granted, but you spend the rest of your life making more mistakes.
I wish John Lennon was still with us.
Granted, but you did something to annoy him and he is suing you for millions of dollars.
I wish I could remember things more clearly.
Granted .... You remember the trauma of your birth.
I wish people would not nag at me for having the phone unplugged.
granted but now they nag you for everything else
I wish my to do list was a to done list
Granted -you're in a coma and in your state of sleep you are done with everything
I wish I could sleep and Awake on preset commands without feeling like I would be awake longer when sleep is needed or feel tired when I need to wake.