Granted....but that meat now stays in your colon for 15 years :p
I wish to be a better person
Granted not ruining that one.
I wish Will would get here so we can move the side gate back.
Wish granted but now Will has the munchies and eats everything in your pantry.
I wish I had more energy right now.
Granted - available at your local Korean restaurant.
I wish some people weren't so damned witty! :biggrin:
Not granted I like you witty.
I wish I knew where those buried bones are that no one wants to dig up.:biggrin:
Wish granted but now you have to explain to the authorities why Jimmy Hoffa's remains ended up in your garden!
I wish it wasn't snowing here right now.
Granted - now it's an ice storm.
I wish the kitchen tap would dispense any drink I wanted.
Granted but you have to bathe in it also!
I wish there wasnt biting insects