Granted. Good luck not getting stepped on and ran over by everyone cause they can't see you
I wish for longer weekends
Granted, but now your new work contract says you have to work every weekend....
I wish everything I ever wished for came true
I'm on my way
Flying door to door on Duckkie airlines...
I wish this damn cold that's caught me would bugger off now
Granted, but now you got everybody else sick and are quarrantied
I wish I had a house of my very own
Granted, but your house burns down and now you have no place to sleep at all
I wish people wasnt so nasty
But they are always picking you up and cuddly-wuddling you an turning you upside down like a tipsey tart <which you are of course> and rubbing your tum-tum.
I wish I diddnt take 3 sleeping pills instead of 3 asprins....
go read my story in humour ....
Granted, now your ass hurts instead of your head......and you cant sit down
I wish dukkie has a horny dream about Miles
granted but in the dreams, miles is covered head to foot in the lord’s prayer and it turns into a nightmare…
I wish people would bring me food just by thinking about it
Granted, but its all leftovers from last week.
I wish I had a real flying saucer