Granted, one porcupine, two pole cats are now in your house as per request, that badger and muskrat and the bear is to make it more interesting....
I really, really wish it was Sunday.
(Don't be too cruel with this wish, please.)
Granted. But you wish you didnt.
I wish I was 50lbs lighter and in better shape.
Granted, hell I will through in an extra ten pounds of lean muscle mass.
However you got to send me pictures :biggrin:
(not really, I just have to ruin that wish, t'is the rules)
I wish the squirrels would stop jumping up and down and running up and down the roof. Thump thump thump is getting a bit tiring.
Granted. They are now raccoons.
I wish I wasn't so shy.
Granted, now you're super outgoing in a world of only super shy standoffish people.
I wish I could gender-bend.
Granted but you now look like E.T.
I wish my cat wouldn't claw my bed.
Granted, it is now a wolverine and has no interest in clawing your bed
I wish I was 20 again
Granted but you have to send wolverine to my bed.
I wish I didn't have to do the lawn today.
Granted but you have to do your neighbors lawn instead
I wish I was somewhere else
Granted. You are now on the moon.
I wish I had more courage.