Granted... What could possibly go wrong with that.... ?
I wish I hadn't eaten so many french fries tonight.
Granted. You ate a ton of fish-flavored popsicles instead.
I wish my car would get out of the shop already.
Granted but they did a bunch of extra work and now you have a huge bill to pay
I wish for world peace
Granted, the entire human race is instantly whipped out by a gamma ray the world is at peace
I wish for WWIII...soon!
But it starts in the lounge of your house when you sit mom & dad down to have a certain conversation :eek: (nasty)....
I wish I could take leave whenever I wanted instead of over December when all of industry shuts down
oh...that is nasty duckie...but a heck of an excuse for me to avoid their reaction...hell if that's the case I'll bring my man candy with me and start groping with him.
Granted you get 6 months a year of LEGALLY MANDATORY UNPAID leaves....but you're totally free to choose any consecutive or alternate months
I wish I got at least one more week of vacations instead of the 3 per year I have...(I know, I'm a whiner)
Oh, you're one badly behaved duck....but I sure as hell love that SO MUCH...oh, master I can't go against your wishes...:biggrin:
Although your junk will fall to pieces selling yourself out like that if you're not careful...:biggrin:
I wish my timing and freaking distance to the north were not always conspiring against me..
Granted. Now the South is conspiring against you and the North.
I wish I had more money.
Granted but its monopoly money and your standing on my property sir :
I wish i had a big dog