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Ruin you wish!!
So, that's 2 wishes to ruin....fine, you suddenly lost all ability to bake cookies so you can't make more, and then you meet the guy who eats all your current ones so he wants more, but now you can't give him more, hence he leaves....ugh...

(but really, I would throw in your way a guy with high metabolism rate so he desn't get all chubby with so many cookies)..

You know why I think it can actually work here? First, there will be a forced municipal registration of pets, so once you find yourself with an unregistered pet,.or you suddenly donpt have any and you haved it registered.... bam, pay the price...secondly, other than Santiago, which holds 7 of the 17 million of Chilean souls, there is no such thing in Chile as a "big city" hence, municipal authorities often find themselves with limited population to watch over, which helps a lot at the time to enforce such laws...thirdly...there is at least 1 old, gossipy, nosy lady in every neighbourhood who loves animals and has the time and will to denounce any infringement

I wish I had the will and courage to go out there and search for love...

Granted you have the courage.... I ain't gonna ruin this one since everyone deserves the love they can get....

Yeah it may work, better regulation from the start means better regulation at the end.

I wish I could have slept in this morning....

Granted you got hypothermia during the night ( a racoon opened your window) and you fell into a deep coma... your still in it! Scatter

I wish there was less stairs and elevators and more zipwires and firemans poles.

fine, no stairs, no elevators, only zipwires and fire poles...but you have no arms and legs...ha

I wish I could spend 30 minutes of everyday shooting stuff

Granted you spend 30 minutes of each day "shooting" ketamine... at the height of your experience you may:
- experiance a sense of oneness and connectedness.
- communicate with various entities
- have dazzling insights
- visit alternate planes of existence
- have powerfull hallucinations

as your brain is essentially shut off from your body, users often fall into a trance like state.

I wish i had some ketamine! :p

Granted, I'll send some of the ketamine that we use in our mice....

the ruining part of course will be that the shipment will be intercepted somewhere near the Falklands so Argentineans use the excuse of illegal shipments with UK destination to invade them yet again..and then the worse possible scenario happens...no, the Argentineans do not win this time either....but the French got involved and now the Falklands are FRENCH!!!!! :eek:

I wish there was such a thing as a drug to numb you but without all those addictiveness and the rest of the side effects..

I wish that too...

Oh wait.. Um Granted... But everyone takes it all the time, everyone is numb to every experience and humanity just peters out because no one gives a fuck enough to fuck...

I wish the voices would stop talking once in a while....

Granted, they start shouting instead..

I wish I had the excuse of voices for all my homicidal thoughts

Granted, you now have voices whispering in your head.... In Xhosa - enjoy the clicks.

I wish I had a 10 karat diamond.

Granted, someone threw it at you and it's currently cutting through you eye ball

I wish I didn't have a headache right now

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