Granted, you are now on Amund Ringnes Island... wave to Santa with your shotgun :p
I wish Christmas would hurry up and get here (and over I hate to say it)...
I won't ruin would think that single folks would not be so far away from each other...hehe
I wish for tomorrow to be only half as crappy as today..
Granted its only half as crappy but 3 times as shitty
I wish I didn't have to buy Christmas cards today.
granted… but you get home and forgot the stamps…
I wish I could go to the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre this year to see a play (would also be nice to have a certain kind of gentleman company :p )
Granted, just remove your pants!... thats pretty much going to be my reply to everything from now on :p
My tummys rumbling
Turn up the music
I think the end is near