Been on 2 dates if I recall. I went on a date last year and rather recently. Nothing that lasted though xD
It was 1956. I turned 10 in May of the 4th grade, I was madly in love with Jimmy a beautiful native American boy in the 4th grade. That summer, I went to every wedding and funeral that Jimmy was an altar boy at. He was so pure and innocent looking every one wanted him to lead the procession from the altar. He had long hair to his shoulder the way his parents wanted him to wear his hair. He was not just the most beautiful boy in my Catholic grammar school, he was the most beautiful girl I ever saw. He walked by me in Church, I giggled "Hi Jimmy". He mouther the words "Hello John".
My family moved that summer, I got my own room at the end of a large apartment. My bedroom was away from the rest of the apartment. I loved having my own room and privacy. On the first day of the 5th grade I asked Jimmy to come see my bedroom. I told him I had some neat nudist camp magazines hidden in my new c;loset. He agreed to come take a look at my nudie books.
I showed him some pictures of guys our age. I asked him would he walk around in the nude. I pulled my erection from my pants to emphasize the question. At first he was nervous. He was sitting down. He lifted his butt up and pulled his pants down to his knees. his dick was pointing straight up at the ceiling. I thought I would faint. His dick was as beautiful as he was. I dropped a book, he bent over and picked it up. His ass was as beautiful as his dick.
I moved close to Jimmy. I put my face in his neck. I mouthed and licked his neck a bit. Our hands clutched each other's dick. We squeezed and pulled at each other. Jimmy put his hand gently on my head. Our left hands pressed our asses and our dicks pushed harder against each other. I started to hump at Jimmy and he humped back. I got this exquisite sensation in my dick. It gnawed at me and made me feel great. A minute later Jimmy had the same experience. We separated and burst out giggling. We liked what had happened. We liked it a lot.
After that, whenever Jimmy and I were alone, Our hands would go down the front of our pants inside our underwear. We pulled in every direction. We rubbed each others asses. We got caught a few times by close friends. No one ever said anything about what was happening.
Neither Jimmy or I had ever heard of sex of any kind with anybody. The two of us just liked the sensations we had when we were with each other. Jimmy moved the summer between the 5th and 6th grade. In the 6th grade I started to hear rumors about sex. I used to scratch my head and wonder if Jimmy and I were having sex in the 5th.
In 1956, no one ever talked about sex. In the 6th grade, I got my hands on the Index of Forbidden Books. I was delighted to find out that jimmy and I were having sex in the 5th grade. I got the feeling that the Catholic Church wanted me to feel guilty about Jimmy. I am 65 and have never felt guilt about Jimmy. Jimmy remains a great memory.
A lot of guys probably feel guilt because you wait too long to have sex. If God wanted me to have guilt about Jimmy, He should have said something at that time. By 14, I had mastered masturbating and other male tricks. I still like having the sensations of those tricks I learned 55 years ago.
Jimmy and I never thought we were dating. But the sleepovers we had were utterly wonderful. I' m sure g;ad we both liked to sleep in the nude.
I think I was datin Jimmy for the whole 5th grade. I still remember how much I loved Jimmy. He still gives me a hardon thinking about him.
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Never had one before lol certain circumstances have occurred though lol
Gosh. Date? Although I've been in several enduring relationships, none of them started out with what people call dating. It was always just hanging out. Hanging out doesn't have the connotations of dating. You hang out with buddies, acquaintances, friends, even strangers you just met. And if you like each other you continue to hang out. And then perhaps at some point somebody offers a hand to hold or a kiss, and so on and so forth....
A "date" is something you get all excited and nervous about, at least that's how it looks on tv and in the movies. And you spend a lot of time primping and planning and maybe you go out and get some new fancy clothes. It's not so relaxed as hanging out is.
With me it was 16, my best friend.
She was my first gay relationship and my last ,Leukemia took her from me two years later.
I promised her there would never be another woman and there hasn't been.