01-25-2012, 10:40 AM
I think I have flirted with alot of fears in my lifetime and alot of them have subsided....like snakes. I used to hate them but now...eh...not so much.
Black or hairy spiders...definitely sacred of them. The white ones...not so much.
My worst one that hinders me nowadays...getting stuck at a light or in traffic underneath an overpass or on top of an overpass or on a bridge. Watching the bridge collapse and the freeway collapse... in the earthquake shook me deep down inside...and then the worst part.....
I did not want to drive over the overpass that they built in Oakland...the one that collapsed in the earthquake...my gut told me not to but sometimes I tell my gut to shut up and I lecture myself that it was just a stupid fear that I had from the earthquake...but my gut kept on and I just ignored it...
...so I was on my way to Petaluma one morning sometime between 2-3 AM when I came up to the beginning of the overpass and I was shaking with fear inside but I keep telling myself to suck it up and go ahead...my gut was freaking out...and just a few hundred yard before I was about to enter the overpass these two cop cars raced in front of me and spun around facing me...OMG...I thought they thought I was a criminal or something...and they pointed for me to go the other way which at that point was the Oakland Bay Bridge...the Bridge that fell down! I hadn't been on that either since the earthquake! F*ck! Well...My lover looked over to the left as we entered the bridge and said there was a bunch of fire and smoke and we couldnt' see where it was coming from but figured that is why we were rerouted so we drove over the Bay Bridge and then the Golden Gate to get to Petaluma and I found out that a tanker had crashed and melted the damn overpass at the exit and we would have been on it... just one minute earlier...I listen to my gut always now...period.
Which leads me to the other fear I have...ignoring my instincts.
Black or hairy spiders...definitely sacred of them. The white ones...not so much.
My worst one that hinders me nowadays...getting stuck at a light or in traffic underneath an overpass or on top of an overpass or on a bridge. Watching the bridge collapse and the freeway collapse... in the earthquake shook me deep down inside...and then the worst part.....
I did not want to drive over the overpass that they built in Oakland...the one that collapsed in the earthquake...my gut told me not to but sometimes I tell my gut to shut up and I lecture myself that it was just a stupid fear that I had from the earthquake...but my gut kept on and I just ignored it...
...so I was on my way to Petaluma one morning sometime between 2-3 AM when I came up to the beginning of the overpass and I was shaking with fear inside but I keep telling myself to suck it up and go ahead...my gut was freaking out...and just a few hundred yard before I was about to enter the overpass these two cop cars raced in front of me and spun around facing me...OMG...I thought they thought I was a criminal or something...and they pointed for me to go the other way which at that point was the Oakland Bay Bridge...the Bridge that fell down! I hadn't been on that either since the earthquake! F*ck! Well...My lover looked over to the left as we entered the bridge and said there was a bunch of fire and smoke and we couldnt' see where it was coming from but figured that is why we were rerouted so we drove over the Bay Bridge and then the Golden Gate to get to Petaluma and I found out that a tanker had crashed and melted the damn overpass at the exit and we would have been on it... just one minute earlier...I listen to my gut always now...period.
Which leads me to the other fear I have...ignoring my instincts.