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azulai Wrote:T
I haven't tried fajitas. Are they difficult to make?

I should add, that no, in general, they are not difficult to make.

I suppose the most difficult things I have SUCCESSFULLY made thus far are: flourless chocolate cake, coq au vin, and beef wellington . . . in that order.

Here's my Sauce Aux Champignons recipe... it's in French if you can be bothered with the translation.
    • la sauce aux champignons.

      Pour la sauce aux champignons, ingrédients:
    • à peu près 500 grammes de champignons de Paris (ce sont les blancs) mais je suppose qu'on pourrait aussi mettre d'autres champignons comestibles.
    • Un oignon ou deux selon la taille, à hacher finement.
    • Du beurre (salé ou doux).
    • De la crème fraîche,
    • du persil haché,
    • du sel et du poivre, un peu de sauce de soja (pas sucrée)
    • du vin de Madère...
    • un peu de Maïzena (farine de maïs)

      Peler les champignons et les hacher en tranches ou en petits morceaux. Faire fondre une bonne ration de beurre dans une poêle à frire et faire revenir à feu doux, ajouter le poivre et l'oignon haché finement. Laisser dorer l'oignon puis ajouter les champignons. Saler ou mettre un peu de sauce de soja (pas sucrée), et laisser dégorger les champignons en couvrant la poêle. Les champignons vont faire un peu de jus. Ajouter le vin de Madère, disons un demi-verre à vin ou à moutarde. Laisser cuire les champignons dans leur jus avec le vin de Madère et les oignons. Il ne faut pas longtemps pour que le jus s'évapore. Si nécessaire, remettre un peu d'eau, mais pas trop. Ajouter deux ou trois bonnes cuillères à soupe de crème fraîche (plus si vous voulez) et le persil haché. Dans une petite coupe mélanger dans un peu de lait ou d'eau une cuillère à café de farine de maïs (Maïzena) pour délayer et ajouter à la sauce... Elle va s'épaissir un peu. C'est prêt!!!

    • Servir dans des crêpes et ajouter du fromage râpé, si le coeur vous en dit.

Inchante - thanks for the fajita recipe. I think I was confusing it with steak quesadillas. :redface: I think I'm going to try the fajitas soon.
PA - thanks for your mushroom sauce recipe. I'm pretty excited about it! I'm hoping to try it over Spring Break when we have some free time.

One thing i recently tried which i persume would fall into this catergory is the new Hovis 50/50 things u fill and then eat.... Bloody crumble and crap lol.... I also want to ask the question.... Phillidapher which is a cheese company recently realeased a new cheese but im not sure what to use it on....

Dairy Milk chocolate cheese....

What the hell do you have this with any idea?

Kindest regards

zeon x

Scotty Wrote:I just bought all the ingredients for chocolate balls I'm gonna make them later, how many rich tea biscuits will I use. Oh and I haven't got coco powder forgot it lok but I'm sure I can manage without.

screw coco powder its expensive and has no taste use Hot chocolate powder as a subsitutue i did and iit worked fine felt very sick after a couple though

zeon Wrote:Hello,
One thing i recently tried which i persume would fall into this catergory is the new Hovis 50/50 things u fill and then eat.... Bloody crumble and crap lol.... I also want to ask the question.... Phillidapher which is a cheese company recently realeased a new cheese but im not sure what to use it on....

Dairy Milk chocolate cheese....

What the hell do you have this with any idea?

Kindest regards

zeon x

Serve it with fruits and other cheeses at the end of a meal as a dessert course. That is what I would do.

lol it tastes foul to be honest or a unique taste

Jake, as you've requested.

[Image: Lifestyle02.jpg]

Roasted Salmon with Potato Salad

The original method actually requires you to roast your salmon in an oven. It also requires you to marinate your salmon with herbs and lemon for at least a day. But I've changed the method because the original recipe was time consuming.


[Image: Salmon01.jpg]

2 cuts of Salmon (Depends on you. Maybe you want to use fillets etc.) My salmon is no longer fresh.

[Image: Salmon02.jpg]
  • Salt
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Dried Oregano
  • Dried Parsley
  • Dried Thyme (Optional)
  • Black Pepper (Optional)
  • 1 Lemon (Optional. I don't use it.)

For Potato Salad

[Image: Salmon04.jpg]
  • Salt
  • Potatoes (Depends how many potatoes you want)
  • 1 Red Bell Pepper (Capsicum)
  • 2 Garlic Cloves (I like to use more than 2 because I love garlic)
  • 2 White Onions (Depends on yourself)
  • Cherry Tomatoes
  • Lettuce (I prefer Coral Lettuce. But I'm using Butterhead this time around)
  • A handful of Walnuts (Optional)
Method for Roasting Salmon

[Image: Salmon05.jpg]

01. Spread 1 and 1/2 tablespoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil evenly on a microwave safe plate.

[Image: Salmon06.jpg]

02. Sprinkle a small amount of all herbs evenly onto the plate.

[Image: Salmon07.jpg]

Spread 1 teaspoon of salt evenly on each side of Salmon . The amount of salt varies on the size of Salmon. Salt to taste if you want. Make sure to dab a tiny bit of salt on its sides (the skin).

[Image: Salmon10.jpg]

03. Sprinkle herbs on each side of Salmon. Then spread 1 full spoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil evenly on the top side of Salmon (The bottom side has been covered with olive oil from the plate).

04. Fourth part is optional. You can toss a small amount of mashed garlic onto your salmon. I rarely do it.

05. Place your Salmon inside a microwave. High temperature. I like my Salmon well done so I roast it for approximately 12 - 13 minutes. If you want to play safe, roast for 9 minutes and then take it out. Check the texture of the salmon with a fork. Continue to add another 3 minutes (If desire).


For Potato Salad

[Image: Salmon11.jpg]

01. Slice your potatoes. Average slice.

[Image: Salmon13.jpg]

02. Slice your onion.

[Image: Salmon14.jpg]

03. Slice and mash up your garlic.

04. Slice your pepper bell into small sizes.

[Image: Salmon15.jpg]

05. Arrange your potatoes on a microwave safe plate. Spread extra virgin olive oil evenly on all of them.

06. Place onion and garlic on top of the potatoes. Pour 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil on it.

07. Place your potato salad in a microwave. Okay this is a bit tricky. The duration of baking potatoes depends on the amount of potatoes (Slices and the thickness). One potato cut in average slice usually takes 11 - 12 minutes. I used three potatoes so it took me 29 minutes to roast it. The goal is to make your potatoes soft. White onion taste sweet after being roasted for a long duration.

To play safe, roast your potatoes for 11-12 minutes. Take it out. Check the texture of potatoes with a fork. If potatoes are still not soft, continue to roast for another few minutes.

08. Once done, sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon of salt evenly on your potatoes. Blend them a bit. Sprinkle herbs on your potatoes evenly.

09. Roasted salmon usually left a small amount of olive oil (in orange color). Pour that 'sauce' onto your potatoes.

10. Serve your Salmon, potatoes with lettuce and cherry tomatoes. Sprinkle walnuts evenly onto your meal.

[Image: Sal01.jpg]

[Image: Sal04.jpg]

[Image: Sal03.jpg]

P.S: I'm not very good at giving recipe. Cooking and writing recipe are two different things for me. But I hope I've managed to write my recipe properly.

dang it Jay now I'm hungry all over again :biggrin: I'll have to try that one out.

who else loves cookies as mush as I do Smile
I haven't tried this one out yet but I'll post it anyway.

1cup butter
1 cup white sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon lemon extract
3 1/2 cups all purpose flower
2 teaspoon baking powder
and your desired amount of chocolate chips or butter scotch chips
(butter scotch cookies taste soooooo good)

heat oven to 375 and bake for 10-15 minutes or until edges are golden brown

Jay Wrote:Jake, as you've requested.

[Image: Lifestyle02.jpg]

Roasted Salmon with Potato Salad

The original method actually requires you to roast your salmon in an oven.

Heh. And here I thought the microwave was a glorified way to heat a cup of water.

We have a microwave, I use it to heat water and to heat up canned (jared actually) foods and leftovers. I have never actually cooked anything in it.

The purpose of Marinating is usually two fold, one is to season (flavor) the meat, the other is to tenderize the meat. Any marinade that has an acid in it (vinegar, lemon juice, tomato juice, many various fruit juices, etc) is for the purpose of tenderizing - which is a tasty way of saying 'breaking down the cellular matter'.

'Soaking' a bit of meat at room temperature in a herb and spice (no acids added) coating or bath allows the meat to age. Aging meat is basically allowing the meat to rot a tad. Again its to allow the cells to break down a bit, making the meat a bit more tender.

Time is the only real ingredient that tenderizes, there is no way to speed up the process of marinading.

The difference in taste will be subtle for most people. However for others there is a distinct taste difference between a bit of fresh meat covered in herbs and spices and one that has been allowed to sit for several hours to a day stewing in its own juices.

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