12-07-2007, 12:38 AM
saltybeanz Wrote:Btw.. Gay is very sexual and and and HE WILL TRY MAKING YOU STRIP :eek:
I may try, but YOU will succeed. I couldn't seduce a cream-cake!
Ignore his ramblings, my dear - we have it on very good authority that his brains are, quite frankly, just a mush of cum and Jelly Babies

But we love the doddery sod all the same.
See... We're all equal here. The best are respected, the jester's laughed at, and the mentally-ill and infirm are, I like to think, cared for with a certain... What's the word... Passion!
We all feel responsible for his shortfalls, and thus, consequently, responsible for humouring his every post.
Ah Mark... We love ya!

x x x