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Sour Cranky???
I am sorry but when , all of a sudden did marriage return to being safaried? The last I checked that went out the window in the late 50 early 60s when people though it would be easier to divorce then work out their problems as a couple

In sickness and in health
unto death do we part

where does it say in the vows until an argument do we part?

"in sickness and in health and until death do us part", I believe, is still part of traditional vows. The question is, do people want to stick to those promises?

Not to sound priggish but the actual grammar of those vows pertains to ancient (poetic) grammar which would mean (in modern day speech) "until death parts us" ... where death is the cause of the parting.

princealbertofb Wrote:We welcome you in our midst, Cunobelin... Welcome

Love the name, by the way (what does it mean?)

Yes I am sorry for your ex and children, although, not so much for your children, who, I'm sure have a lovely dad and a lovely mum...

Thank you for the welcome!

Cunobelin (or Cunobelinus) was a Briton king who ruled out what is now Colchester, England. He was feebled (almost certainly by a stroke) and died shortly before the Roman conquest. He son, Caradog (Caractacus) is famous for leading the fight against Rome, being taken prisoner and transported to Rome, where he gave such a rousing speech he was pardoned and, according to tradition, given Roman citizenship.

Thank you! I am very involved in their lives. I have them every weekend and every Tuesday and Thursday evening (they are twin girls).

I find it amusing that hyper religious folks often cite our being ?brainwashed" into the gay lifestyle when their entire existence is devoted to brainwashing their children and other people. No wonder they think gay people are being brainwashed as it is something they are entirely familiar with.

I dont' think a single gay person was ever brainwashed by their parents to become gayLaugh

All she wants for her 14th birthday? That girl has far worse problems than gay people marrying....just sayin'.

East Wrote:I dont' think a single gay person was ever brainwashed by their parents to become gayLaugh

Just so you know, it is a proven fact that gay couples will produce gay children. This is why straight couples only produce straight children. Rolleyes

Cunobelin Wrote:I want to home school because of how dangerous schools are becoming. Gangs, drugs, fighting. If I can't home school, I'd at least pay for private school. However, yes, there are many parents that home school simply because schools teach children things the parents don't want their kids knowing. They would rather keep their kids isolated rather then their children learn about the real world. Religious parents will often home school so their kids don't hear about evolution or interact with gay people (oh the horror). Racist parents may home school so they can indoctrinate their kids on why the Holocaust is a myth and garbage like that. I definitely see why many people are wary of home school, but this is clearly not the reason why I want to home school, though sadly, I may be a minority.

Any kids I ever gave birth to would definitely be homeschooled (at least until they're responsible enough to unschool) for many reasons, just one of them being I believe they'd get more of an education and exposure to the complexity of the world than they would in school. The kids I help raise now (starting when they were 7 and 12) understand that if they ever want to be pulled from their school I'd try to convince their mom to let me do so. Obviously, I'd never use materials from a fundamentalist group to homeschool them with (not even math since I wouldn't want to financially support them at all).

But I don't know how many have their kids best interests at heart. It seems to me that too many parents have selfish interests whether they send them to a public school or homeschool them (and I even read an interview with a woman who had her kids unschool so she'd have more time and money to go on personal vacations by herself). And even public schools have to tread carefully when it comes to subjects as history, drugs, and sex as too many parents want their kids "protected" (that is, kept ignorant if not outright lied to). All in all, I don't envy kids in general whether they're schooled in a public school or elsewhere.

Quote:“I really feel bad for the kids who have two parents of the same gender. Even though some kids feel like it’s fine, they have no idea what kind of wonderful experiences they miss out on."


“I don’t want any more kids to get confused about what’s right and OK.

[COLOR="Indigo"]What is she talking about?
Homosexuality is "wrong" now or something?[/COLOR]

“I really don’t want to grow up in a world where marriage isn’t such a special thing any more. It’s rather scary to think that when I grow up the legislator or the court can change the definition of any word they want.

[COLOR="Indigo"]Less special?
In what way?
What? because two people of the same sex can get married?
Oh, that just really devalues marriage doesn't it. Almost not worth getting one if that happens is it?[/COLOR]

“If they can change the definition of marriage, then they could change the definition of any word.

[COLOR="Indigo"]Marriage is a legal term, and can be defined and redefined because of such.
Just like how i bet she has been raised to fight for "person" to be redefined to make sure a fertilised human egg is classed as one.[/COLOR]

“People have the choice to be gay, but I don’t want to be affected by their choice. People say they were just born that way, but I’ve met really nice adults who did change. So please vote ‘no’ on gay marriage.”

[COLOR="Indigo"]1) Wrong.
2) You wont be affected
3) What is your argument?! Oh! That's right! YOU are the argument. A pleading child saying "Please don't ruin my future" is just SO hard to say no too.[/COLOR]

It's sad to see children being used as tools, as a plea to emotion as that and claiming that gay marriage would be a breach of religious "freedoms"(the right for conservative Christianity to dictate what marriage is.) is the only way they can win.

She appears to of been raised in a "traditional" Christian Conservative home-schooled upbringing.
No doubt believing her parents fabrications whole heartedly due to not knowing any different(And her parents neither at a guess).
Oh how scary an image they must of painted of homosexuality and it's evils to her. :frown:

What a low and cheap tactic.
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so

I am appalled and shocked , that is the most selfish thing I have ever heard .
It's right up there on my no tolerance list , with four and five year old's preaching.
And Pageant queens as well as toddlers in tiara's

Absolutely disgusting , her parents need to be thrown in to a cell for contributing to hate crimes and brainwashing.

Sorry for the rant guys , this stuff really sets me off.

Rainbowmum Wrote:I am appalled and shocked , that is the most selfish thing I have ever heard .
It's right up there on my no tolerance list , with four and five year old's preaching.
And Pageant queens as well as toddlers in tiara's

Absolutely disgusting , her parents need to be thrown in to a cell for contributing to hate crimes and brainwashing.

Sorry for the rant guys , this stuff really sets me off.

I used to get upset and angry, but anymore, it's like I've grown to just expect it. Instead, I've gotten to becoming angry over other forms of ignorance. "Gay people shouldn't get married" slides of my shoulder, while "gay people make bad parents" throws me into a tailspin. The proudest accomplishment in my life has been being a father. My girls are excited when it's time to go to "Daddy's house" and don't want to leave when their mother comes for them. I've been told I'm over-protective, but I used to work corrections years ago, and I've seen the scum that prey on children. I may be a "queer, poof, fag", whatever slur you can think of, but I love my kids, and if someone tried something with them I'd put a size 14 right up their ass.

Wow. Sorry.

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