~Big Update: Pic heavy~
So Sora has been suffering from Algae/Bacteria again...
I think it's because of where she is, in the house. It's quite warm and humid, so I guess that promotes the growth. I've been meaning to move her into my bedroom, but I'll have to move my Tv...
Anyway! I've been keeping her outside allllll day, and bring her in at night. This is to help her to "shed" her old scutes[shell plates], so that I can get rid of the old sick ones. Sunlight helps to do this the best, lamps are good substitutes, but I prefer the good ol' sun.
So I leave a tub of water out there for her to cool off it when it gets to be too much[I'm usually home by that time, but my mom also helps out. I need a lower tub she can crawl in and out of though ...], also so she can have a small lunch, as they can only eat in water, as well as to poo[which can also only be done in water].
The whole backyard is her oyster :biggrin: .
And for those of you who believe dogs are the only animal capable of love... THINK AGAIN!!!

Beware: Adorable Pics ahead
The Tub
"Yes Mommy? You called? I was just diving underwater like a mermaid :redface: "
"Wait mommy, where are you going?" :confused:
"Aw, mommy is leaving :frown: "
"Just wiping my tear drops

"Oh there you are mommy! :eek: "
"Pick me up mommy... I miss you"
"Oh mommy, am I stretching your hand? That means I'm growing!
"Oh mommy! I'm slipping! Put me down quickly :eek: "
"Lets play tag Mommy! :biggrin: "
"I gonna getcha mommy!!

"Oh wait, what's that?"
"You see dat mommy? "
"I'll go take a closer look!"
"Watch out for me, okay Mommy? :redface: "
"Eek Mommy! This is the step you're sitting on! How didn't I notice?:redface: "
I love my baby so much!!!

. It's been almost 3 years since we got together! Without her, I don't know what I would've done throughout my last 2 years of highschool. She was/is the most constant and consistant "person" in my life, aside from my mother & grandmother.
Any boyfriend of mine, who doesn't like turtles, will be sleeping on the couch and Sora will sleep with me in his place.

mile: .
Animals in general for that matter.
I love Sora soooooooo much