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  Harry Potter
Posted by: fabolicious - 07-14-2007, 12:16 AM - Forum: Movies - Replies (7)

This Is A Poll To Find Out Who You All Think Is The Best Looking Male Actor.

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  Harry Potter
Posted by: fabolicious - 07-13-2007, 11:54 PM - Forum: Movies - Replies (14)

Went To See Harry Potter At The Cinema On The 12th. Fabulouse!!!!!! Deffinatly Worth A Look.

Cant Wait For The LasT Book To Come Out!!!!!

Roflmao Xyxwave

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  Bill Gates acquires major stake in gay publisher PlanetOut
Posted by: andy - 07-05-2007, 08:44 PM - Forum: Gay-News - Replies (1)

[img2=left]http://www.gayspeak.com/forum/images/news/billgates.jpg[/img2]Just days after shares in Gay.com publisher, PlanetOut rose 20 per cent on Nasdaq, a company that invests the wealth of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, has purchased a major stake in the company.

PlanetOut, which also owns the Adovocate and RSVP Cruises, floated in October 2004 at a share price of $9 (£4.48), it quickly rose to $14.26 (£7.10) in November. Tonight, shares closed up at $1.69 (£0.83), a marked improvement on its 52 week low of $0.86 (£0.43).

Cascade Investments LLC who manage the fortune of Bill Gates has previously invested in Six Flags, Four Seasons Hotels and Pacific Ethanol. It joined with a number of other private equity vehicles including Special Situations Funds, Cascade Investment, L.L.C., SF Capital Partners, PAR Investment Partners LP and Allen & Company LLC to fund a rescue buyout of PlanetOut stock

The new investors including Mr Gates will collectively own a majority of the shares in PlanetOut, likely (dependent on the details of the private placing) to total 56.3 per cent of the company.

PlanetOut had previously said that it would seek to divest itself of some of its adult brands. It's not known if this will include Gay.com, which despite some lifestyle and news content is predominantly used for dating and sexual "hook-ups".

Mr Gates not known for his jovial side is unlikely to want to be associated with sexual imagery or photographs of members penises.

In the USA, PlanetOut faces competition from MTV owner Viacom who run the Logo gay television network, itself owning 365Gay.com, AfterEllen.com and AfterElton.com. And Washington Blade owner, Window Media LLC.

In the UK, PlanetOut publishes UK.Gay.com which competes with the larger gay dating site Gaydar. However, there are no available statistics for UK.Gay.com's small news section edited by Stuart Who to accurately compare market share within Britain.

Further filings with the regulatory authorities on Wall Street will disclose how much of PlanetOut Cascade Investments has purchased on behalf of Mr Gates.

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  German scientists make HIV breakthrough
Posted by: andy - 07-03-2007, 03:47 PM - Forum: Gay-News - Replies (3)

[img2=left]http://www.gayspeak.com/forum/images/news/aidsribbon.jpg[/img2]In a remarkable discovery in the hunt for a cure for HIV, scientists in Germany may finally have found a way to remove HIV from infected cells, a study released today revealed.

According to Science magazine, researchers working on the deadly virus have engineered an enzyme that attacks the HIV virus and cuts it out of the infected cell.

Although the enzyme TRE is far from ready, it offers hope for the more than 40 million people around the world who are HIV+ "A customised enzyme that effectively excises integrated HIV-1 from infected cells in vitro might one day help to eradicate [the] virus from AIDS patients," Alan Engelman of Harvard Medical School affiliate Dana-Farber Cancer Institute wrote in an article accompanying the study, according to the AP.

Drugs are currently used to suppress the virus and can even take it to a level where it is undetectable, but have so far failed to completely eliminate the virus from the body.

What makes HIV so lethal is the way it inserts itself into the body's cells, therefore forcing those cells to produce new infection.

"Consequently the virus becomes inextricably linked to the host, making it virtually impossible to 'cure' AIDS patients of their HIV-1 infection," Mr Engelman explained.

According to researchers, the virus will be removed from the genome of infected cells by this new enzyme TRE, by recognising and then recombining the structure of the virus's DNA.

With the virus' ability to remain undetected for not only months but years by reverting to a resting state in infected cells, this could remove a major block allowing the enzyme to recognise HIV's DNA.

"The most important, and likely most difficult, among these is that the enzyme would need efficient and safe means of delivery and would have to be able to function without adverse side effects," wrote the study's lead author, Indrani Sarkar of the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden.

Significant barriers still remain, before TRE could be used to cure patients, Sarkar concluded.

"Nevertheless, the results we present offer an early proof of principal for this type of approach, which we speculate might form a useful basis for the development of future HIV therapies."

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  I just finished 6 feet under and I'm so sad
Posted by: geofflondon - 07-02-2007, 10:54 PM - Forum: Movies - Replies (28)

I'm posting here because there doesn't seem to be a dedicated TV only forum.

As you can tell from the title you know what its about! My friend lent me the whole boxset which I've been watching over the past few weeks and now its all over and I'm gutted. Not that I obsess about things but I think this series is a work of a genius and I LOVED it.

I'm a bit of a blubber when it comes to onscreen crying, so as you can imagine, I was crying like a little baby every episode....but hell who cares!

I just can't believe I'm done :frown:

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  75% of gay kids in faith schools suffer homophobic bullying
Posted by: andy - 06-26-2007, 07:52 AM - Forum: Gay-News - Replies (1)

[img2=left]http://www.gayspeak.com/forum/images/news/stonewallschoolreport.jpg[/img2]Homophobic bullying plagues the majority of UK schools and shocking levels of bullying are meted out to school pupils and teachers who either are gay or perceived to be gay.

That is the conclusion of a wide-ranging study carried by gay equality organisation Stonewall.

Nearly two thirds of LGB students reported instances of such harassment.

That figure jumps to 75% of young gay people attending faith schools.

The survey, of more than 1,100 young people, found that only 23% of all UK schools explicitly condemn homophobic bullying.

This report arrives at a time when Department for Education and Skills has rejected a call from MPs to make all schools record bullying incidents with the same zero-tolerance policy accorded to racial bullying.

Homophobic mistreatment spans verbal and psychological abuse.

92% of gay, lesbian and bisexual pupils have experienced verbal abuse, 41% physical bullying and 17% have been subject to death threats.

30% of pupils reported that adults have been responsible for incidents of homophobic bullying in their schools.

Nearly every interviewed student had heard phrases like, 'You're so gay', and remarks like 'poof' and 'dyke' in UK schools.

The resulting social exclusion has made victims feel unaccepted and isolated, more so in the case of girls (65 per cent) than boys (53 per cent).

The abusers on the other hand, are known to be both fellow students, adults, as well as younger pupils.

Although both male and female victims have had verbal abuse hurled at them, boys are reportedly more likely to be attacked physically.

Lesbians have reported cases of fellow female students covering their low cut tops and refusing to change in the same room during PE classes to be commonplace.

Findings include the deliberate ignorance and silence prevalent in schools, which is to be blamed for this widespread misery.

Instances of bullying and physical attacks, when reported, are often ignored by school authorities, while gay and lesbian issues go un-discussed in classrooms.

However, nearly 60 per cent of cases of abuse go unreported as gay and lesbian students feel disenfranchised and subsequently alone.

In faith schools, religious disapproval and thoughtless disregard for LGB issues, compounds the tendencies of bullies to target gay and lesbian students even more.

Stonewall says that this exclusion causes permanent damage to its victims.

Victims' experiences have adversely affected their school performance and the majority interviewed, say that they have been forced to stay home to escape the bullying.

However, the anonymity of 'cyberbullying' means that even at home, pupils are often unable to escape this teasing.

With socialising websites like Facebook and Myspace being largely unregulated, gay and lesbian pupils feel they have no refuge even in their homes, with the inevitability of bullies posting insults on message boards.

Many abusive messages are also sent by text.

The survey found three in five pupils fail to intervene when they see their fellow students being bullied and that a measly seven per cent of teachers ever take action.

Three quarters of victims say that they have never seen gay and lesbian issues addressed in the classroom.

In other findings, teachers have admitted that it is more difficult to report homophobic bullying as the word 'gay' is often used as a generic word of insult.

Students report staff telling them that it was 'their fault' for coming out and even though they would not stand racism, homophobic bullying was, "completely different".

This kind of ignorance, the report implies, should be addressed. Teachers do not perceive homophobic bullying as serious.

Sixty two per cent of gay and lesbian students have said that no action was taken against their bully.

A third of gay and lesbian students are unhappy in school.

The report reveals that if guidance is provided to students who are attracted to members of the same sex, and if LGBT issues are openly addressed by teachers in an informed manner in the classroom, the pupils are 70 per cent more likely to feel welcome and comfortable.

They need to be made aware of the resources and information available to them in the school, community and the internet should they feel the need for such information.

They are also likely to feel more empowered if they have an adult to speak to.

Other recommendations in the report include:

Acknowledging the problem, developing rules and policies to tell young people about gay and lesbian issues which will help promote a social environment where being LGBT is embraced, accepted and understood better.

Staff should be properly trained to be able to understand and respond better to difficulties faced by gay and lesbian students.

Sexual orientation should be included as part of the regular curriculum, which will moderate the 'shock' factor which breeds gossip and leads to the pointless exclusion of young people attracted to people of the same sex.

Schools should tell young people to use local gay and lesbian support and youth groups where they meet like-minded people which will help them feel more confident about facing life and participating in the broader community.

Schools that have good anti-homophobic bullying practices are encouraged to pass on their knowledge and experience to encourage and help other schools achieve a more accepting social environment for its LGBT students

The Stonewall report aims to pressurise schools into acknowledging this persecution which impinges on gay and lesbian students achieving their full potential, and also indeed emphasises that the students who are attracted to members of their own sex, have the right to a stress-free environment both in the classroom and the playground.

The survey of 1,145 young people was conducted by the Schools Health Education Unit for Stonewall.

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  US military proposed weapon to turn enemy troops gay
Posted by: andy - 06-13-2007, 08:35 AM - Forum: Gay-News - Replies (8)

[img2=left]http://www.gayspeak.com/forum/images/news/usarmy.jpg[/img2]Documents obtained under freedom of information laws in the United States have confirmed that the country's military considered developing a "gay bomb."

In 1994 the US Air Force research department requested $7.5m to create a weapon that would release a chemical causing enemy soldiers to become sexually attracted to each other.

The proposal described the weapons as "distasteful but completely non-lethal." Pentagon officials blocked the project.

Edward Hammond used the Freedom of Information Act to obtain a copy of the proposal and passed it to CBS television.

"The Air Force lab proposed that a bomb be developed that contained a chemical that would cause enemy soldiers to become gay, and to have their units break down because all their soldiers became irresistibly attractive to one another," Mr Hammond told CBS.

"The notion was that a chemical that would probably be pleasant in the human body in low quantities could be identified, and by virtue of either breathing or having their skin exposed to this chemical, the notion was that soldiers would become gay."

Gay groups in the US, where openly gay, bisexual and lesbian people are banned from serving in the military, expressed disgust at the idea of a "gay bomb."

"Throughout history we have had many brave men and women who are gay and lesbian serving the military with distinction," Geoff Kors of Equality California said in a statement.

"So, it's just offensive that they think by turning people gay that the other military would be incapable of doing their job.

"And it's absurd because there's so much medical data that shows that sexual orientation is immutable and cannot be changed."

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  Energy drink blamed for painful priapism
Posted by: andy - 06-12-2007, 09:46 AM - Forum: Gay-News - Replies (2)

[img2=left]http://www.gayspeak.com/forum/images/news/ambulance.jpg[/img2]A New York man has filed a law suit against the makers of the health drink Boost Plus, claiming the vitamin-enriched beverage gave him an erection that would not go away.

Christopher Woods said he bought the protein supplement beverage at a drugstore on June 5, 2004.

He drank it, and the next day woke up with what he described in court papers as "an erection that would not subside."

He was eventually hospitalised that day for a condition, called severe priapism, and underwent surgery to decrease the swelling.

The 29-year-old said the complications were not over after a winter shunt implant was given to him, which moves the blood from one area to another.

He says that he continued to suffer from complications and needed further hospitalisation for a penile artery embolisation, which is a way of closing blood vessels and preventing engorgement.

The suit names Novartis Consumer Health Inc., the makes of the drink, as the defendants and seeks as of yet unspecified damages.

The company has not issued a response to the suit. There is currently no evidence whether the drink caused the problem.

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  Big Brother welcomes gay house mates
Posted by: andy - 06-09-2007, 12:03 PM - Forum: Gay-News - No Replies

[img2=left]http://www.gayspeak.com/forum/images/news/bigbrothergerry.jpg[/img2]Two gay men have entered the Big Brother House to join an all female cast apart from a lone heterosexual male, Ziggy

31-year-old Gerry is a gay Paris Hilton loving gallery researcher who describes himself as a hedonistic hypocrite and a total control freak.

Once a month he goes to fetish clubs and loves leather, kilts and boots. He has four wardrobes full of clothes, and thinks his life would be vastly improved by a dressing room and a personal butler.

He says: "There is no heaven or hell, just continuous rebirth until your fulfil your karma and unite with a higher being."

25-year-old Seány is a charity worker and says he was popular at school but missed out on being a head pupil as the teachers thought it would go to his head.

In his late teens he went to the White House to meet Hilary Clinton, for whom he had written a poem.

He says his dream job would be inventing and testing new toys, and describes himself as having big hair and big attitude.

He loves Girls Aloud and admits he is heavy handed with the amount of toilet roll he uses.

His philosophy is: "We're all refugees - we stay a while and then we move on."

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  Immigrants tested with gay kiss
Posted by: andy - 06-08-2007, 11:41 AM - Forum: Gay-News - Replies (5)

Muslim groups are criticising the Netherlands over the use of films featuring two men kissing to test asylum seeker’s liberal attitudes as a basis for entry into the country.

Applicants’ reactions will be tested to see if they can accept the language and culture of Holland.

Leaders from the Muslim community in Holland say the film is offensive, "It really is a provocation aimed to limit immigration. It has nothing to do with the rights of homosexuals."

"Even Dutch people don't want to see that," Abdou Menebhi told the Times.

He said: "They are trying to find every pretext to show that people should not come to the Netherlands because they are fundamentalist or not emancipated. They confront people with these things and then judge them afterwards."

Famile Arslan, 34, an immigration lawyer of Turkish origin, said: "I have lived here for 30 years and have never been witness to two men kissing in the park. So why are they confronting people with that?"

The test marks a crackdown on immigration for the country usually known for its liberal views.

The Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende, believes the tests will provide an objective assessment of the suitability of applicants by examining how prepared they are to make the transition to Dutch life.

However critics feel that even Dutch people wouldn’t know the answers to some of the questions on the test such as "which former Dutch colony a particular spice came from?"

Jeroen Dijsselbloem, from the parliament's immigration committee, said the film had been created to help prepare people for "open minded" attitudes on issues such as homosexuality, "We have lots of homo discrimination, especially by Muslim youngsters who harass gay men and women on the streets. It is an issue here."

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