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  Wales rugby player Gareth Thomas announces he is gay
Posted by: CardShark - 12-19-2009, 02:58 PM - Forum: Gay-News - Replies (17)

Quote:The Cardiff Blues full-back, 35, told the Daily Mail newspaper that keeping his sexuality a secret had made his adult life agony and feelings of guilt towards his wife Jemma plunged him into depression.
Wales rugby player Gareth Thomas announces he is gay - Yahoo! Eurosport UK

If you don't wonna get pissed off don't read the comments, lets hope they don't have kids.

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  Iran - more bad news
Posted by: marshlander - 12-14-2009, 10:48 AM - Forum: World-News-Forum - No Replies

From the Gay City News website

Quote: "Ten young Iranian men, including eight teenagers, are currently awaiting execution for sodomy, and two more are being re-tried on the same capital charge...

... Nemat Safavi, now 19, was arrested in June 2006 at age 16 for alleged sodomy, and the Criminal Court in Ardebil sentenced him to death. But the Supreme Court overturned his sentence on March 4, 2009, and sent the case to another criminal court in Ardebil for retrial. Saeed Jalalifar, a member of CHRR who recently obtained a lawyer for Safavi, was arrested on November 30 and is still in prison.

Gay City News spoke by telephone through a translator with that lawyer, 32-year-old Masomeh Tahmasebi. She said she had been denied the files relating to Safavi’s death sentence and would only learn more about the case when she traveled next week to meet with him in Ardebil, a northwest frontier province whose former governor is President Ahmadinejad and whose population is largely made up of ethnic Azeris, who are racially persecuted by the Islamic Republic.

Tahmasebi explained that it was often very difficult for defendants in sodomy cases to find competent lawyers. “Because of the social stigma attached to sodomy cases, many lawyers are not willing to take on such cases because of fears of accusations that they might be gay themselves,” she told Gay City News. “And because of this same social shame, families often do not contact lawyers to defend the accused, so as a last resort the court assigns a lawyer pro bono, who often does not get the case until the day of the trial. So most of these sodomy cases are badly defended.”

That means, Thamasebi added, that “the only real chance left for the defendant is international human rights pressure and protest against the application of the death penalty — but often this occurs so late that the window of opportunity to prevent these executions is very small.”

In recent weeks, the Ahmadinejad regime has increased its monitoring and disruption of Internet and telephone communications in an attempt to stifle opposition and criticism, and this reporter chillingly experienced this first-hand while interviewing the two Iranians quoted here. During the interview with Thamasebi, when Ahmadinejad’s name was mentioned, the communication was abruptly terminated in mid-sentence. And in the interview with Misaghi, when the question of organizing to repeal the death penalty for sodomy was brought up, the communication was similarly cut off quite suddenly."
Naturally evidence is hard to come by and Iranian law allows for the unknown evidence to be compensated for by some mysterious process known as "the knowledge of the judge".

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  Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles elects openly gay bishop
Posted by: Rychard the Lionheart - 12-06-2009, 09:44 PM - Forum: Gay-News - No Replies

Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles elects openly gay bishop.

This was taken from the L. A. Times website today: Article dated December 5, 2009 | 3:07 pm.

The Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles today elected the first openly gay bishop since the national church lifted a ban that sought to bar gays and lesbians from the church's highest ordained ministry.

Clergy and lay leaders, meeting in Riverside for their annual convention, elected the Rev. Canon Mary D. Glasspool, 55, who has been in a committed relationship with another woman since 1988. Another gay candidate, the Rev. John L. Kirkley of San Francisco, withdrew late Friday.

Full article here:Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles elects openly gay bishop | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

Glad to see a church being postive, lets hope the other dioceses follow the policy of appointing more gay bishops.

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  Recent Gay News
Posted by: fredv3b - 12-06-2009, 08:15 PM - Forum: Gay-News - Replies (5)

Just a few things in the gay news this week that caught my eye...

You may have heard that a Gay Marriage bill was defeated in the New York State Senate (it had already been passed by the State Assembly). This was despite a Democrat majority in the senate, a total of 8 Democrats voted against along with all the Republicans. From what I read the debate preceding the vote left something to be desired, few of the nay voters felt any need to give and meaningful justification of their vote. However a number of Senators spoke in favour of the bill. Here is Senator Diane Savino.

A heterosexual man, Ted Cox, recently posed as a gay man in order to investigate ex-gay conversion therapy. Here is an interview with him describing what he saw.

Pink News carried the story of a 18-year-old who was jailed for trying to kill his, older, gay lover. While obviously its not something to laugh at, the story did contain the following..

Quote:Harding later returned to the property, in Workington, Cumbria, to stab Monan. The older man avoided injury because he was wearing a thick dressing gown.
What on earth was he trying to stab him with?

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  Gay stuff again
Posted by: marshlander - 12-03-2009, 06:22 PM - Forum: Gay-News - Replies (7)

I know some of you aren't the remotest bit interested in why some people are gay and others not. Pink News has run these two articles over the past couple of days, which I found iinteresting:
Gay by nature: Part one - from Pink News - all the latest gay news from the gay community - Pink News
Gay by nature: Part two - from Pink News - all the latest gay news from the gay community - Pink News

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  Gay Argentine couple's wedding plans divide an entire continent
Posted by: Rychard the Lionheart - 11-29-2009, 02:23 PM - Forum: Gay-News - No Replies

Two Argentinians will this week become the first gay couple in Latin America to get married, following a three-year campaign that pitted politician against politician, overturned laws and angered millions of Catholics

Alex Freyre and partner Jose Maria Di Bello, Latin America's first same-sex couple to be granted a marriage licence

The ceremony will be a tribute to their determination as well as their love for each other, after a bitter three-year campaign which has divided a city, outraged Argentina's powerful Roman Catholic church and overturned the constitution.

Full article from the guardian's website: Gay Argentine couple's wedding plans divide an entire continent | World news | The Observer

Good luck to Alex and Jose.

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Posted by: marshlander - 11-26-2009, 02:22 PM - Forum: World-News-Forum - Replies (38)

I'm sure everyone here is aware of the horrible and draconian new laws that Uganda is debating. The US, British and French governments are among those who have "expressed concern". There have been calls for church leaders to say something, but it's all been a bit quiet on that front. Pity that the Archbishop of York, John Sentamu, has not said anything since he grew up there. Typically, Rowan Williams has also kept pretty quiet, presumably hoping it would all go away? Marshlander's fevered little imagination ponders what, if Jesus were a real person and alive today, his response might be to the people who claim to represent his interests till he decides to pop back.

Maybe now the United Reform Church has raised the issue others might follow? I shan't hold my breath.

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  Massachusetts Rebpulicans
Posted by: fredv3b - 11-24-2009, 11:36 AM - Forum: World-News-Forum - No Replies

I have just read this, it just goes to show how much can change. In Massachusetts politics, being gay is not a disadvantage, it might even be a slight advantage. The Republican Gubernatorial candidate Charlie Baker, selected as his running mate Richard Tisei, an openly gay Republican State Senator. This move is being seen as part of a strategy to win over Independent voters and wavering Democrats.

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  Gay Marriage in Austrialia
Posted by: fredv3b - 11-24-2009, 12:00 AM - Forum: World-News-Forum - Replies (6)

Apparently the Australian Labour Party within the state of Victoria has voted in favour of gay marriage, despite the fact that the party leader, the Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has been steadfastly against it. Let us hope that this signals a shift in mainstream Australian political opinion.

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  UK Equality legislation latest
Posted by: marshlander - 11-22-2009, 06:19 PM - Forum: Gay-News - Replies (3)

Although I feel like I've read this before somewhere, the UK government is under pressure from the EU to make sure that the Equality Bill, currently making its way through Parliament, conforms to European directives. The government has tried to please everyone by including an opt-out clause for religious organisations to discriminate against employees and potential employees on the grounds of sexual orientation.

You can attempt to read a report here if you can cope with the misleading spelling.

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