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  Lindsay Lohan anger after police chief says she has "gone gay"
Posted by: andy - 08-04-2008, 02:04 PM - Forum: Gay-News - Replies (6)

[img2=left]http://www.gayspeak.com/forum/images/news/lindsaylohan.jpg[/img2]Lindsay Lohan has hit out at the Los Angeles police chief after he said she had "gone gay."

Chief William Bratton made the remark while explaining why he does support a crackdown on the paparazzi.

"If you notice, since Britney started wearing clothes and behaving, Paris is out of town not bothering anybody, thank God, and evidently, Lindsay Lohan has gone gay, we don't seem to have much of an issue," Bratton told LA news channel KNBC.

"Police chiefs shouldn't get involved in everyone else's business when it comes to their personal life. It's inappropriate," Lohan said in a video filmed by paparazzi and posted on celebrity website TMZ.

Ms Lohan has been romantically linked with DJ Samantha Ronson, sister of producer Mark Ronson, though her publicist has previously denied that they are in a relationship.

They were spotted kissing in May at one of P Diddy's yacht parties in Cannes.

The two have been friends for years and it is said the pair got exceptionally close during Lohan's stint at rehab last year.

At her 22nd birthday party in July the Herbie: Fully Loaded actress came clean about the lady in her life saying: "I just wanna live a healthy happy year, continue on the path I’ve been on and be with the person I care about."

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  Governor signs law allowing out of state gays to marry in Massachusetts
Posted by: andy - 08-03-2008, 08:34 AM - Forum: Gay-News - Replies (1)

[img2=left]http://www.gayspeak.com/forum/images/news/devalpatrick.jpg[/img2]The Governor of Massachusetts yesterday signed a bill that will allow gay and lesbian couples from other states to marry in Massachusetts.

It is now the second state in the US that has no residency requirement for gay and lesbian couples who want to marry. The other is California.

"In five years now, the sky has not fallen, the earth has not opened to swallow us all up, and more to the point, thousands and thousands of good people, contributing members of our society, are able to make free decisions about their personal future, and we ought to seek to affirm that every chance we can," said Governor Deval.

A Democrat, he is the first black Governor of Massachusetts.

In June he spoke of his pride in his daughter when she publicly came out as a lesbian. He then took part in Boston's Pride parade with her.

A 1913 law has affected same-sex couples since a Massachusetts court ruling in 2003 legalised same-sex marriage in the state.

Then-Governor Mitt Romney revived the 1913 law in order to weaken the impact of the state's Supreme Court ruling that gay and lesbian couples should have equal rights to civil marriage.

Originally the law barring unions by out of state residents grew out of the national outrage over the interracial marriage of heavyweight boxing champion Jack Johnson.

A report from the Massachusetts Office of Housing and Economic Development forecasts a $111 (£55.4m) million windfall to the state should same-sex couples from other states be allowed to marry in the state.

The report also predicts the creation of 330 jobs and an additional $5 million in tax revenue over three years.

Massachusetts is one of only two states to officially recognise full marriage equality for same-sex couples.

In 2007, the state legislature defeated a measure, following the historic Massachusetts Supreme Court ruling legalising marriage, to amend the state's constitution to ban such unions.

The effort to defeat the measure was led, in large part, by Governor Patrick.

"He didn't know I was gay then," Katherine Patrick, 18, said in her "coming out interview" with gay paper Bay Windows.

"So, for someone so publicly to fight for something that doesn't even affect him was just like, 'That's my dad,' you know?

"That's all I could think. I was very, very proud to be part of this family, and this state in general."

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  Transsexual gene identified by scientists
Posted by: andy - 07-31-2008, 03:26 PM - Forum: Gay-News - No Replies

[img2=left]http://www.gayspeak.com/forum/images/news/testube.jpg[/img2]A gene variant has been identified that could explain female-to-male transexuality.

The variation is found within the gene for an enzyme called cytochrome P17, which is utilised in the metabolism of sex hormones. According to researchers it leads to a high tissue concentrations of the hormones which could then influence the development of the brain.

Clemens Tempfer and his tram at the University of Vienna discovered the variant within DNA samples from 49 female-to-male transsexuals and 102 male-to-female transsexuals as 1,669 samples.

The proportion of male-to-female transsexuals and non-transsexual male control samples carrying the gene was around the same. But with women 44% of transsexuals carry the gene compared to 31% non transsexual women.

Linda Geddes writing in the New Scientist said: "While there are many women with the variant who are not transsexual and many female to male transsexuals who lack it, the finding raises the possibility that the variant makes women more likely to feel that their bodies are of the wrong sex, and that this is a result of their brains having been exposed to higher than average levels of sex hormones during development."

Mikael Landén of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm told the publication: "The present study found that a mutant gene that ultimately results in higher testosterone levels is overrepresented in female-to male transsexualism.

"This is in line with what we previously know about masculinisation of the brain and is therefore less likely to be a chance finding.

"Hence, the study is important and adds to the notion that gender identity is influenced by sex hormones early in life, and that certain gene combinations make individuals more vulnerable to aberrant effects."

Janett Scott, formerly the president of transsexual support group, the Beaumont Society said: "Nature may have made us the way that we are, but nurture is what gives us a problem."

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  Gay author's inclusion on Booker longlist upsets chattering classes
Posted by: andy - 07-31-2008, 03:21 PM - Forum: Gay-News - No Replies

[img2=left]http://www.gayspeak.com/forum/images/news/tomrobsmith.jpg[/img2]The acclaimed thriller Child 44's appearance on the 'longlist' of nominees for the Man Booker Prize for Fiction has upset some high-minded literary types.

Tom Rob Smith's masterful book, set against the bleak backdrop of 1950s Russia, follows respected secret policeman Leo Demidov and his wife Raisa.

His first novel, it caused a fierce bidding war at the London Book Fair.
Child 44 follows Leo as he struggles to track down a child-murdering serial killer whilst facing the Soviet system that refuses to believe crime exists unless committed by so-called 'deviants.'

In the poverty-stricken era of Stalin's cruel regime, homeless drunks and homosexuals are arrested for non-existent offences while paranoid citizens are pressured into denouncing suspected criminals, including friends and family members.

Since the release of Child 44 in February, Smith has been thrust rather rapidly into the limelight of the literary world.

His nomination for the Booker, one of the most prestigious prizes in literature, has unleashed a flurry of bitching among the notoriously bitter denizens of the book world.

On the Man Booker forum Jamie Byng wrote:
"I cannot respect a judging committee that decides to pick a book like Child 44, a fairly well-written and well-paced thriller that is no more than that, over novels as exceptional as Helen Garner's The Spare Room or Ross Raisin's God's Own Country."

He adds: "I will declare my bias - as the publisher at Canongate I had a vested interest in seeing The Spare Room make the shortlist."

Another poster, called Gobsmacked, commented:
"This is more Richard and Judy than Booker and the airport novel has finally been recognised with Child 44."

The reference to the highly popular Richard and Judy book club, now a mainstay of their Channel 4 show, might puzzle some of the other nominees this year, among them Salman Rushdie and gay journalist Philip Hensher.

Mr Hensher won the Stonewall Award for Journalist of the Year in 2007.
Not everyone in book land is upset that Tom Rob Smith's Child 44 has been nominated.

Laura Barton on The Guardian website wrote:
"Is the real issue the fact that there is a thriller on the list at all?
"Tom Rob Smith's Child 44 … received impressive reviews … and has already been awarded the CWA Ian Fleming Steel Dagger for the year's best thriller."

The 2008 shortlist will be announced on 9th September and the winner on 14th October at an awards ceremony at Guildhall, London.

Chair of judges, former Cabinet minister Michael Portillo, commented:
"With a notable degree of consensus, the five Man Booker judges decided on their longlist of 13 books.

"The judges are pleased with the geographical balance of the longlist with writers from Pakistan, India, Australia, Ireland and UK.
"We also are happy with the interesting mix of books, five first novels and two novels by former winners. The list covers an extraordinary variety of writing.

"Still two qualities emerge this year: large scale narrative and the striking use of humour."

The judging panel for the 2008 Man Booker Prize for Fiction is: Michael Portillo, Alex Clark, editor of Granta; Louise Doughty, novelist; James Heneage, founder of Ottakar's bookshops and Hardeep Singh Kohli, TV and radio broadcaster.

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  Star Wars Cops
Posted by: marshlander - 07-24-2008, 01:05 PM - Forum: Movies - Replies (2)

It feels as though I've been a bit intense round here recently. :eek:

Just wanted to share this video that a friend sent me Laugh1

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  MSN Front Page
Posted by: 452 - 07-21-2008, 04:06 AM - Forum: Gay-News - Replies (2)

I'll just give you the link. It's so sad.
Cover: Young, Gay and Murdered in Junior High | Newsweek Culture | Newsweek.com

I don't even know what to say

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  The Dark Knight
Posted by: 452 - 07-19-2008, 07:56 AM - Forum: Movies - Replies (14)

Who's seen it? And what are your opinions?

I saw it earlier tonight and was very impressed, and I did not like Batman Begins at ALL! This one was very good and Heath Ledger did a phenomenal job! He sure was creepy looking, but I couldn't help but laugh. Big Grin

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Posted by: Dan1089 - 07-13-2008, 08:22 PM - Forum: Movies - Replies (16)

Oh my word,I can't wait till I see this movie next weekend!It's a mecha love story about WALL-E,a robot that has been programmed to clean up all the junk that has been left of the Earth in the distant future.Then comes a new robot EVE who has been sent by humans to look whether life on Earth has evolved or not.Apparently there's not much human dialogue as WALL-E speaks his own special language.Barry Ronge gave it 5 stars and hailed it as a sureshot Oscar winner next year so it's a MUST!

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  Great Scot,It's McAvoy
Posted by: Dan1089 - 07-13-2008, 08:00 PM - Forum: Celebrity-News-Gossip - Replies (9)

I think that James McAvoy has to be most talented new actor on the block.Innocent looks,an even more virgin acting technique & that distinct Glasgow accent have made this guy hot property.I first saw him in "The Last King Of Scotland" and was mighty impressed with him.I saw him on Jay Leno and as he says "he's absolutely boring and his life is dull". He seems to have avoided the young Hollywood trap so far.Loved him in "Atonement".

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  The New Hellboy Movie
Posted by: Shadow - 07-07-2008, 07:21 PM - Forum: Movies - Replies (3)

Does anybody know anything about this ?

I saw the trailer last time I went to the movies and was all *spits and rubs his hands together* BRING IT ON !!!!! :biggrin:.


!?!?! Shadow !?!?!

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